Page 137 of His Greatest Muse

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“Thank you,” I tell him.

His grin winks at me. “Try not to attract any more fucking creeps, Tinsley.”

Noah moves then, shielding Alec from my eyes with his large body. I take a steadying breath and roll my forehead between his pecs before stepping back. Our eyes meet the moment I look up, and for the first time in weeks, the world feels steady beneath my feet again.

“Come,” he mutters softly.

His hand falls to my lower back as we walk through the barn, not sparing another glance at Cole’s broken body or the man who I feel in bones will be his Grim Reaper.

The faint rumble of an approaching car makes our steps falter. As I peek out of the barn, the glow of headlights illuminates a sleek, black car coming to a stop on the opposite side of the gravelled road.

The driver’s door opens slowly, and a man steps out, dressed in black, his movements methodical, calculated. His sharp, cold eyes scan the barn, missing nothing. They’re the kind of eyes that consume everything in their path, never satisfied. A shiver trails down my spine when he stares at me. There’s an unsettling confidence in his stride as he closes the distance between us with a sense of purpose and something heavier. Darker.

A new danger is coming for Cole, and I intend to be gone long before he falls victim to it.

Noah takes my hand, squeezing it tightly. We should be running, but our strides keep a solid, calm pace as we exit the barn. The man pauses when we pass one another. One look at the thick scar marking his cheek, and I’m meeting his stare, shockingly unafraid of him as he disappears into the barn. After what I’ve done tonight, maybe he should be afraid of me.

I wait for that thought to terrify me. To feel wrong, like I’ve made a mistake tonight and crushed my past self beneath the same shoes that did Cole’s fingers. But those feelings never come. Only relief and a dark, brutal intensity thrumming inside of me that begs I take Noah behind the barn and drop to my knees for him.

I feel more like myself right now than I ever have, and I want Noah. Right here and now, the both of us now free from Cole’s lingering threat. No more fear. No more looking over our shoulders.

Just us.

He rounds the hood of his car and opens the door for me. My stomach flutters at Noah’s gesture, confirming that I’m not in my right mind. I shouldn’t be calm enough to swoon over a sweet gesture. Seeing the blood on Noah’s hands—the same blood that stains my skin—shouldn’t make my nipples pebble, brushing my bra with my every staggered inhale.

I slide inside the car and wait for him to get in beside me, my lungs tight and thighs rubbing together. The ache between them is intense, scarily so. With each inhale, the air in the car starts to thin, intensifying the burn in my belly.

By the time he’s sitting in the seat beside me, I’m gasping for breath, my neck arched and head tipped back against the headrest. I’ve never felt this way before. Driven by a lust so intense I feel like I could black out at any given second. I’m trapped inside my clothes.

“Tinsley,” he mutters, his voice deep and husky.

My fingers have begun to shake again as I fumble with the button of my jeans, frantically trying to get it undone. I’m so wet my panties are soiled, maybe my jeans too.

When Noah’s hand covers mine, stopping my movements, I whimper in refusal and attempt to pull it free. “I can’t wait.”

Just the feel of his skin is enough to have me shuddering, waves of pleasure crashing into me.

“Your hands are covered in his blood.”

My eyes burn with tears of frustration. “Clean them!”

“Shhh, baby. Just wait.” He thumbs the tears from my cheeks before turning the engine over and pulling away from the barn.

Rejection races through me despite the fact I know I’m being unreasonable. We can’t stay here. It’s not safe. But I want him. Right now. All over me. In any way he wants.

“How do you not feel the way I do? Like I can’t breathe without my pussy aching,” I gasp.

The gravel road makes the car vibrate, and my fingernails dig into the centre console as it only intensifies my gut-wrenching arousal.

The confines of the car shrink as we speed away, the urgency inside of me mixing with the raw, magnetic pull between us. Noah’s grip on the steering wheel is firm, and there’s a wildness to his eyes that lights me on fire.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you since I watched you stealing the life from Cole in your father’s gym. I’m lethal with want for you, Tinsley. My control is hanging on by a thread, but I won’t risk your safety.”

“We don’t need our hands to fuck, Noah.”

Without warning, Noah swerves the car onto the side of the road, the headlights briefly illuminating the surrounding trees before he cuts the engine, plunging us into darkness. The silence that envelops us is almost surreal. The only sounds are the faint chirping of crickets outside and our ragged breathing filling the car.

I turn to face him, unclipping my seat belt. His expression twists, and my heart jumps in answer.
