Page 14 of His Greatest Muse

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She truly wanted to come with me.It wasn’t obligation but a genuine necessity the way it is for me. How? I’ll never be able to comprehend it.

“This doesn’t look like much of a break,” Braden barks. Tinsley stiffens in my arms as if suddenly remembering where we are before jumping down despite the way I tighten my grip. With a glare in his direction, I reluctantly let Tinsley step away from me.

She smiles innocently at her father. “Sorry.”

“What has you so excited?” he asks.

I stand straighter. “She’s coming on tour with me.”


“Our schedules are aligned. It’s a damn miracle,” Tiny sighs, grinning again.

Braden does the opposite. His frown is so deep it might become permanent. His displeasure is too satisfying.

“That’s great, sweetheart.” His petty attempt at sounding supportive isn’t bought by anyone, especially his daughter.

She’s far too sympathetic when it comes to those she cares about. It’s her greatest weakness and one I’ve tried to wean her away from. I’ve been unsuccessful thus far.

As she moves toward Braden, I fight to keep my face blank. Watching her wrap her arms around him in a hug I know is warm and reassuring gnaws at me.

“Don’t be sad. I’ll make sure Easton is on his best behaviour for you and Mom,” she says lightly.

He wraps her up in his arms and kisses the top of her head. Our eyes meet when he sets his chin on her crown and levels a glare in my direction. It becomes a competition to see who will look away first, neither of us wanting to lose. But once Tinsley starts to squirm out of his grip, his glare disappears, and we both look toward her instead.

“You could always come with us. I don’t have all the details yet, but I’m sure we could make room for you on fight nights,” she offers.

Unease ripples through me.Not a fucking chance.

Braden doesn’t seem as displeased with the idea as I’d hoped. “We’ll talk about it. Hunter and I have a meeting set for tomorrow, so I’m sure he’ll fill me in.”

The final words have a hint of bitterness to them that most likely has nothing to do with Hunter but with the news that, despite the odds, I’ve managed to make our schedules work. Braden’s lack of involvement wasn’t personal on my part. It was calculated.

He would have tried to keep her from me.

“Alright,” Tiny says. After a swift tug of her ponytail, she stretches her neck and starts to bounce in place. “Should we get back to work? You gonna join us, Noah?”

Yes. “No. I’m going home. Just wanted to tell you the news.”

The corners of her mouth fall as she nods. “I’ll see you at home, then?”


I should go now, but my shoes are full of lead. It’s the fucking string between us—that goddamntether—that keeps me so attached to her. Some would call it love, but labelling it something so far beneath what it truly is is insulting. There’s no term to describe what Tinsley is to me, and I’ve long accepted that.

A fist grips the organ behind my ribs so hard I swallow to hide a grimace. She’s waiting, watching me like she wants to tell me to stay but knows better. Braden clears his throat, and that’s all it takes. I spin on my heels, forcing myself not to look back as I leave.

* * *


Noah storms out of the gym, and I know I’ve done a terrible job of hiding my disappointment when Dad gives me a sympathetic pat on the back. It’s unfair to expect him to stay, but I won’t pretend I don’t want him to.

“Ready to go again?” he asks.

“Yep.” I toss my water bottle on the mats and pull my gloves back on. He’s glaring at the entrance of the gym when I look up again. “You have a terrible poker face, you know?”

He blinks innocently. “What?”
