Page 40 of His Greatest Muse

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The band is nowhere to be seen. They probably ran when I was in the shower and my family showed up.

“Noah,” Tinsley says when she notices me coming. She smiles apologetically, but she has nothing to be sorry for.

Adalyn pops out of nowhere and settles between Tinsley and Dad. She doesn’t look sorry, but I know this was her idea.Her fault.

I stop moving when Mom appears behind my sister. Her eyes and cheeks are wet. She’s crying like she always does when we see each other. I hide my discomfort behind a blank stare.

“Hi, Mom,” I greet her.

“Oh, my sweet boy! I’m so sorry we missed your show, but our plane was delayed and—” She stops sobbing long enough to rush to me and wrap her arms around my torso. I awkwardly hug her back. “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I just needed to see you, whether we saw the show or not. We’ll be at your next one, I promise. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“You’ve seen me perform before.” I try to placate her. Tears disturb me. Especially hers.

She shakes her head and presses her cheek to my chest. “Not like this, sweetheart. This is no comparison.”

“Are you flying back to Vancouver tomorrow, then?” Tinsley asks.

“After lunch, yes.” Dad’s voice makes me stiffen. Mom notices, and a new patch of wetness grows on my shirt. I wish I didn’t hurt her so often.

My show in Vancouver is three nights from now. It’s the last Canadian stop before we start to wrap through America. We’ll finish the tour on the East Coast of Canada, back in Toronto.

“You could have just waited to see me at the home show. You wasted money coming tonight,” I mutter.

Mom lets go of me then, and I try not to show my relief. She frowns. “Seeing my son is never a waste of anything.”

“Where are you staying tonight?” I ask.

“You don’t need to worry about our accommodations, my love.” Mom pats my arms and smiles softly. “Will you come to the house while you’re in Vancouver? For lunch or supper? Whatever works best for you and Tinsley.”

“I’ll try. Tinsley is busy with training and—”

I feel my smug little boxer move to my side before cutting in. “We would love to, Ava.”

I swallow a growl. “Lunch, then.”

“Fantastic. I can’t wait. I’ll make all your favourites. Can I invite your brother and Braxton? Liam has gotten so big over the past few weeks, and I know he would love to see his Uncle Noah,” Mom rushes out, sucking in a breath when she finishes.

“Maddox would show up whether you invited him or not,” I grunt.

Mom laughs. “Is that a yes?”


“I’d like to show you something when you’re home, Noah,” Dad says.

I flinch. “We’ll be on a time crunch. So, probably won’t happen.”

“Well, if you have the time, then.”

“Maybe.” Not.

My parents’ house stopped being my home when he drew the line between us.

Dad’s eyes take on an odd gleam as he stares at me. If I didn’t know better, I would think they looked sad. I do know better, though.

He nods once. “Alright.”

“You have to stop by my house, too, because I can’t wait to show you the changes we’ve made to it. The landscapers we hired to build the pool in the backyard totally nailed my vision!” Adalyn exclaims.
