Page 24 of Secrets Among Us

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“When did she get here?” I asked the moment we were inside his car.

The large garage door opened, and he pulled out into his driveway.

“Late last night when you were sleeping.”

“And you knew?” I asked, eyeing him.

It was unlike Zack to keep secrets from me.

“Didn’t have a clue.” He laughed, scratching his chin. “In fact, she went to the old house on the property.”

“Did she call you?” I asked, glancing out the window as he drove down the winding mountain road flanked with boulders and majestic Douglas firs, cedars, and maples. It was such a beautiful place to live, and I’d miss it on many levels.

“No. I had this feeling that someone was on the property, but the cameras hadn’t picked anyone up, so I went out to look.”

My eyes widened. “While I was sleeping?”

“Yeah. I had the security system on. You were safe.”

I chuckled. “That wasn’t what I was worried about. I don’t like the idea of you out there alone.” I shrugged, looking at the tiny wrinkles around his eyes as he smiled.

The sun moved higher in the sky, finally casting a golden glow through the towering fir trees as we came to the town of Granite Peak.

“Tell me,” I said, eyeing Zack. “What’s the plan for the day?”

I pulled my sunglasses on as he smiled.

“Stare at you all day,” he joked.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t hide my smile.

“Kidding. In all seriousness, since we’re stuck together, I thought I would stay in the corner and keep to myself, keep out of your hair, and just get some work done I’ve been putting off these last few months.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded.

“Maybe I can convince you to let me take you to lunch.” The familiar twinkle in Zack’s eyes surfaced, and I slipped my sunglasses off.

“Are you mixing business with pleasure?”

He smiled wider but didn’t say a word.

My brows raised as my heart quickened at the memory of how things used to be. It wasn’t unheard of for Zack to swing by the coffee shop and take me out for lunch before he had to catch a flight.

“It’s hard not to sink into memories, isn’t it?” he asked softly, glancing at me.

“Hazard of the job, I suppose.”

With his hands on the wheel, he leaned over, his lips close to my ear. The heat and tingle of his breath electrified me as much as his words.

“Remember when I picked you up for lunch, and we got caught in that insane rainstorm?”

My cheeks instantly flushed. “And you missed your flight out of town?”

He straightened and nodded. “But not because of the rainstorm.”

I laughed, feeling the wave of nostalgia coat every part of me.

We’d somehow made it back to his SUV, completely drenched, and what started with trying to dry off quickly turned into something I’ll never forget.
