Page 28 of Secrets Among Us

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Sadie took a step closer. “I’ll go get Melanie.”

“Actually, the officer thought it might be better if only you came with us.”

Confusion fluttered through her gaze and then disappointment at the realization that she probably had been the target of this mess.

She walked over and explained to Melanie about going to the police station as we walked out of the coffee shop, feeling the chill in the air pick up.

We all piled into Ian’s SUV and drove the quick few blocks to the police station. There wasn’t much said as he found a place to park and we all walked into the lobby.

The smells of fresh paint and carpet permeated the air. The building was a new facility and a state-of-the-art training center for the region’s search and rescue efforts.

There wasn’t anyone at the front counter, but Officer Carl spotted us and came up front.

“This is Sadie’s sister and brother-in-law.”

Elena stuck out her hand. “Elena Volkov.”

Jaxson did the same.

“I know we all have places to be, but I thought I picked something up on the security footage. It was grainy at best, but thanks to your generous donation to modernize this facility, we were able to combat the lousy footage.” He waved us back as we filed down the hall into a dark room.

The soft hum of technology hung in the air as Sadie scanned the room.

Officer Carl waved toward a large screen and walked over to the AV equipment before meticulously adjusting the playback.

I glanced at Sadie, whose eyes were narrowed as she focused on the fuzzy black-and-white images in front of us.

As Officer Carl toggled the playback, he pulled up a grainy image.

It was impossible to see details of the person other than their general size and build, which didn’t look to be too large.

“Now, this is what I find interesting.” He pointed at what looked like the mirror I had noticed in the back room.

He zoomed in. “See this?”

“A mirror?” Elena asked.

“Yeah.” Officer Carl nodded. “And this.”

The pixelated image cleared to reveal the reflection of a phone in the intruder’s hand.

“Looks to me that our suspect had access to the safe code.” The officer glanced at Sadie and then at me.

“What does that have to do with Sadie? She was with me last night.”

“Watch this.”

He resumed the footage, paused it again, and managed to zoom the image to reveal a photo on the phone.

“It’s Sadie,” Elena whispered, craning her neck toward the screen.

“I’m going to reach out to the prior owners, get a list of previous employees, and see if we can find a connection between you and whoever broke in.”

“And you’ve worked there for…?” Officer Carl trailed off.

“About six months. I moved here because I had started dating Zack, found an apartment, and this job kind of appeared out of the blue.”

“How so?” he asked.
