Page 63 of Secrets Among Us

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My mind couldn’t help but wonder what his parents would be like if they were still here. And what took them away? In between everything going on, I still couldn’t help but wonder what actually happened.

Comfortable silence hung between us as we drove along the mountain road toward Granite Peak’s resort. I tried so hard to reach for that brief moment of jubilation when I knew Carmella was no longer roaming the streets and Tim wasn’t in Washington…

Before it all came crashing down.

Zack slid his hand over to my knee and softly rubbed my leg as we turned into the drive of the resort.

I needed this. He probably did, too.

Driving up to the grand resort brought so many amazing memories back. The nights that Zack would bring me here for a quick lunch or an evening of drinks and dinner. One weekend, he’d even planned a little getaway for us, even though he only lived ten minutes away.

It was all these things that made me fall in love with Zack.

He parked the car and came over to my side, helping me out of the Jeep. A gust of wind blew, and he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me close as we walked up to the lobby. The valet greeted us, opening the doors as we walked into the mammoth lobby with timber pillars, a gigantic cobblestone fireplace roiling in the corner, and a sitting area featuring green velvet Chesterfield couches facing one another with an oversized matching ottoman.

As we walked through the lobby toward the restaurant, he bent down and whispered, “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

The warmth of his breath left me wanting more from the man I couldn’t promise tomorrow to, but I wanted to so badly.

“You’re not half bad yourself,” I teased.

His hand rested on my waist as the hostess greeted us. Her name was Natalie, and we came to know her pretty well, considering how often we stopped in.

She showed us to the corner table overlooking the ski mountain, but I knew Zack had requested this table because he could also see the entire restaurant.

We slid into the booth, and Zack kept his hand on my knee as the hostess handed us menus and rattled off the drink specials.

When she left, I turned slightly in the booth to get a better look at Zack. He’d somehow managed to change into a crisp white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up slightly, and a pair of jeans. The strength behind his hazel eyes and the way his jawline strengthened into his chin were nothing less than perfection. And none of that mattered because underneath it all, his heart was pure. His love was pure.

“I know I’ve said it before, but I can’t thank you and your brother enough. You’ve done so much for me, and you continue to do so much.”

His fingers tangled with mine under the table. “Sadie, you have nothing to thank me for. I’m just so glad that, for once, I can do something to help someone I love.”

“You’ve done more than you’ll ever know.” I nodded, dipping my gaze to the menu.

“What aren’t you telling me?” he asked softly. “Ever since I came back to town, I’ve known there’s something you’re keeping a secret. If it will help us in any way, please tell me. I won’t judge you. Nothing matters to me more than keeping you safe.”

My eyes flashed to his, and a wave of guilt flooded through me. I took a few deep breaths just as the server appeared.

We quickly ordered our drinks and dinner. We knew the menu by heart, and I always loved the Steak Diane.

“Please tell me, Sadie.”

I closed my eyes briefly and willed myself to be brave enough to tell him.

“I’ve been contemplating starting over.” My eyes connected with his.

He nodded, keeping his hazel eyes locked on mine. “I can understand that.”

I bit my lip, feeling a gnawing sensation growing deep in my abdomen. “I mean away from it all.”

The server dropped off my martini and a club soda for Zack. I took a sip as he studied me.

“You mean away from everyone?”

“Something like that,” I confessed. “I often wondered if I’d have to do it because of Carmella. I don’t think I’m mentally strong enough to live my life out in the open without always looking over my shoulder. And then when the plea deal happened…” I shivered unexpectedly as my voice trailed off.

He nodded without saying a word.
