Page 70 of Secrets Among Us

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The pain was sharp and dug deep into my bones.

What had she done?

My head throbbed with every passing second, and my vision narrowed as I tried to watch the woman who was now dancing at my demise.

Tears slipped from my eyes as I tried to move.

But all I could do was stare blankly in front of me.

“You know, I ran into somebody the other day around town. You might know him. Tim is his name.”

My body stiffened in pain, but I could do nothing.

“Actually, I’m not being entirely honest. I don’t just know him. He’s my brother, but I wouldn’t expect you to know that. You’re such a self-absorbed little brat.”

Panic drilled into me as she knelt in front of me, wiping the tears from my face and licking them.

“You still don’t remember me, do you?” She sank lower, narrowing her eyes on me. “You were always so obsessed with yourself. How does it feel now?” She let out a deep breath and stood, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re pathetic, and now it’s your turn to pay for what you did to my brother.”

“Mmm,” My body writhed in desperation as she stared at me.

Her red hair and fair eyebrows had been replaced with brunette coloring, and dread filled me slowly.

Familiarity blazed through me as my mind transformed the woman in front of me.

“He had to give up his dreams because your prick of a father got the police involved. Oh, don’t look surprised. You didn’t actually believe the reason my brother stayed away was because your dad was so big and strong, did you?”

Her steady eyes stayed on me, taking it all in as if she couldn’t wait to report back to her brother.

“He stayed away until the time was right, and Carmella only made things easier, and then came the fame. You must have loved every second, your image blazed across the newspapers and magazines with Zack carrying you out from the warehouse—like you’re a damsel in distress.” She laughed. “My brother knew you’d be dumb enough to fall for your hero, so he sent me out here and had me buy out this coffee shop just to set this up. Gave me the funds to make the offer too good to be true.” An evil grin twisted on her lips. “And my generous brother gave me enough extra to seal my lips and play along.”

I never should have left without telling anyone.

Zack will find me.

He’d know after an hour or two that something was wrong.

He’d be here.

“My brother loved you. He worshiped you, and you destroyed his spirit. Do you know what that’s like?”

I tried to nod.

“And then you stopped messaging me, as if I had some plague?” She spat on my leg. “You little bitch.”

She pulled zip ties from her apron and knelt, cinching them around my wrists and ankles so tightly it took my breath away. She hovered over me and took a photo.

“Tim will be thrilled to see this. He made me promise not to interrupt him until he was through with your parents, but I think he’ll love it.” She cocked her head slightly as she saw the horror surface in my eyes.

My parents.

“That’s right, princess. My brother thought it was only fair that we teach your dad a lesson. You know, the way he felt the need to teach one to Tim. But all in good time. I’m getting ahead of myself. I love this, though. I’ve been tiptoeing around here and walking on eggshells, laughing at your ridiculous jokes, listening to you fawn over your hero. It has been exhausting.”

She stalked over and smiled. “I wonder what your boyfriend will do when he realizes he couldn’t save you just like he couldn’t save his parents.”

Her hand came at me, grabbing my hair as she hit me hard enough to make the room spin. I tried keeping my eyes open, but darkness fell.

And the silence was deafening.
