Page 87 of Secrets Among Us

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“You’re acting a little suspiciously,” she teased. “A little jumpy, actually.”

“Me? What? Who?” I feigned innocence as Ian brought over a beer for Sadie and me.

I cracked Sadie’s open and did the same for myself before taking a sip.

Of all the things I'd faced in my life, I was suddenly terrified.

What if she said no?

Sadie’s dad patted my back and gave me a nod of assurance.

I took another swig of beer and drew in a big breath as Ian wandered away.

Sadie caught my hand in hers, brought it to her lips, and kissed it. “You’ve got that look in your eyes.”

I laughed. “Which one? Like I’m about to be attacked, or I’m about to attack?”

She chuckled, tracing her finger along the back of my hand. “Maybe a little of both.”

I took a step toward her and took away her beer, placing both of ours on the table.

Sadie grinned. “The barn looks magical, Zack. The animals will be very grateful, very pleased.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Sadie, you make me feel so damn good.”

She smiled with tears touching her lashes. “Thank you, Zack. For everything.”

All eyes were on us as I pulled her into me. Our noses brushed one another before I kissed her quickly, the tension palpable.

Keeping her hand in mine, I knelt on one knee, and the crowd gasped.

Sadie brought her free hand to her mouth as I smiled.

“Sit tight, baby. This might be a long one.” I winked at her, and she chuckled. “But we’ve been through a lot.”

“Praise be,” her mom whispered.

I smiled at her parents and my brother and brought my gaze back to the love of my life.

“You are the very beat of my heart, Sadie. When I look into your eyes, I see the world how it should be. It gives me hope. You are my hope for a better future. You are my life, Sadie. My everything.” I snapped my finger, and Sugar Beans came over and sat with a ring box tied to her collar. I unhooked it, and Sadie hopped on her toes a few times, trying to hide her sweet excitement.

“Sadie, I’ve known since the moment I met you that I wanted you to be my wife. You’re a fighter, compassionate, powerful, strong, empathetic, and my very reason for living. Your dreams are mine. Your vision is our families’ future. I will do everything in my power to protect you and our family. You are my world, Sadie Egorov. Will you make Sugar Beans and me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?”

“Zack, oh yes, baby. Your future is mine. Your dreams are my forever. I love you with all my heart, Zack Parker. You’re my everything.”

I slipped the ring onto her finger before she looped her arms around my neck and kissed me in a way I had never been kissed before. And I knew Sadie and Sugar Beans were my forever, and I would do everything in my power to protect her and the secrets buried deep that kept her up at night.

Jaxson Excerpt

Chapter One



I heard it before I saw it.

The sound of shattered glass reverberating through the air sent a chill through the bar. Jaxson Volkov had just slammed a man’s head against the polished marble bar, and his large fingers dug deep into the man’s neck as he leaned over to whisper something in the cowering man’s ear before he slid him down the marble.
