Page 28 of Brazen Indulgences

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No, especially not since I was staying with him. Maybe we could figure something else out for regular portal usage instead of leaving my dried blood on the wall and whatnot. Then again, it was pretty easy for them to text someone at home base for help and to get to where they needed. That was probably how they were there now.

“You were really thinking of adopting?” I checked.

Evan came over and kissed my cheek. “I’d adopt this ball of love just to get you to visit more and have such a happy smile like when you were holding him. Don’t worry about us. We’re adults.”

And that was how they adopted Mudbug, even loving his goofy ass name.

I was a bit concerned when they needed to fill out an application and they didn’t adopt to people who weren’t local and a list of issues… But they weren’t issues for long.

AndthenI was concerned how easily supes could get around those very valid and reasonable restrictions.

Sure, it was Evan and Owen, and of course they would never do anything bad to the dog, but that didn’t mean others wouldn’t and they used their charms to get around that. They reminded me humans had the same charms of being attractive or having money. Them being elves didn’t always play into the mix of them getting what they wanted.

Fair enough, and the place did seem overwhelmed since they had way more puppies than normal. A mutt mill had been shut down in the South somewhere, and they’d agreed to help out not knowing ten litters of young puppies were basically going to arrive before the event.


But they were a reputable shelter, and everyone was happy with how much they truly cared.

They handled everything with the adoption and then I gave a large donation. The woman checked twice that I meant to give that much and I didn’t type it in wrong. She couldn’t seem to wrap her mind around someone donating five figures at one of their events like that via Venmo.

It all attached to my bank account, so it wasn’t like I kept money in there.

I went to hand Mudbug over to Evan, but he started crying again.

“Can we help you get stuff for him?” Mason asked Evan and Owen. He cleared his throat when I glanced at him. “I’ve never had a pet. I wasn’t allowed them and then I wasn’t anywhere stable. Or I was ready to move in a flash.”

“Us too until the past decade, and then everything has been going into the club,” Owen agreed, Evan nodding as well. “Sure, we’ve never done this either. It might not be as scary then.”

More people figuring it out sounded smart. Evan took the bag of puppy food and all of the information needed but frowned at the type of food. I gave him a glance when we were near the portal.

“I think it’s the cheap stuff,” he muttered. “I get it since shelters are always low on funds, but that was where my head was.”

“I think you’re supposed to do raw food now?” Mason hedged.

I snorted. “I can’t even cook for myself. That’s like vegan for dogs. If you can, great, but most people rent and can barely handle their own food in the fridges and freezers they get. If you have a house with extra, that’s lovely and good on you, but don’t be prissy about it.”

“I think a mix could be nice,” Owen cut in. “Someone at the club does a kibble food, but all of their treats are fruits and veggies. Their vet said it’s the best reasonable balance and good for their dog.”

“Oh, I like that,” I said firmly. “Smart, reasonable, and easy to add to.” I winced as I remembered Mudbug wasn’t actuallymydog. “Right, but whatever you think is best. He’s your dog and—”

“We can all be his family,” Evan said easily. “We’ll have to get some stuff for your place as well if he’s going to be staying there.” He blinked at me and then chuckled. “You are too adorable, love.”

He sensed my excitement. I was ridiculously excited at the idea of shopping for a puppy bed and toys for Mudbug.

So much for not getting attached and the woman from the shelter being wrong.

We went back to their condo and took their SUV to PetSmart. Mudbug woke up when he heard others barking when we went inside. He whimpered and snuggled closer to me.

“I got you, baby boy,” I promised… And went right for the toys. I held up just about every damn toy that was labeled for puppies, and once Mudbug sniffed and gave his approval, I tossed them in the cart Mason was following me with.

“This is bad,” Mason sighed. “You’re too fucking sexy to be this adorable on top of everything else, muffin. Seriously, I’m just falling deeper at seeing you have this softie side.”

I covered Mudbug’s ears and gave him the harshest look I could manage. “He’s too young to hear your flirting. Please behave.”

Mason simply raised an eyebrow and moved around the cart before leaning in and giving me a soft kiss. “He knows what that is since you’ve been giving him tons. He’s fine.”

Mudbug answered by licking Mason’s face as well.

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