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She was being kidnapped by an alien race she knew very little about. She thought about the children and about Tharon. She gripped her fist and squeezed her eyes closed, trying to keep the tears from falling.

She nearly succeeded just before the light was swallowed by black.



She kept thinking about the lack of guards at the house when the attack happened and wholeheartedly believed the people in Tharon’s security detail had betrayed him. After the vehicle had stopped and they removed the bag from over her head, she realized she was in a room in a house. She could hear the abductors outside the door talking about her.

“How long do we have to keep her? The Earthling’s voice irritates my ears.”

“Until Kiek commands otherwise. It is imperative that Tharon thinks she has been killed.” The abductor had a low, gravelly voice, but the distinct accent of his voice let her know he was from Kiek’s planet. It helped that they referenced Kiek already.

“Why don’t we kill her for real?”

“Because Kiek didn’t say too!”

The guy grumbled. “If he doesn’t pay us soon, I’m leaving this disgusting planet and going back to Tor’via.”

She slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her gasp. They had taken her off Tharon’s planet. Where was she? How would Tharon ever find her? Did he even know she was alive? She knew Kiek was behind the attack on the house but still couldn’t figure out why he was after her so fiercely. She was also glad that the children weren’t home when the assault happened.

“I’m starving,” the disgruntled soldier continued griping. “I’m going to find something to eat. You want anything?”

“No, but let me go down the hall before you leave.”

“Are you serious? Didn’t you take a piss before we left the planet?”

“It’s a piss I need to take,” the other said with an irritated grunt.

“Hurry up then. My stomach keeps growling.”

She listened as footsteps faded into the distance and a door closed. If she was going to try to escape, this was the time to try.

She grabbed a metal lamp and stood behind the door.

“Guard! Guard! I need help,” she hollered. “Guard, guard!”

Just as she hoped, the door opened, and the man stuck his head in.

He snarled, “Shut up …” then she swung the lamp as hard as she could and knocked him over the head. He thumped to the floor, and she grabbed his arm and dragged him into the room. She quickly rummaged through his pockets and discovered he had no weapon but found a transponder. She’d be able to send a message to Tharon, but she had to get out of here before the other guard returned.

She peeked into the hallway, saw it empty, and ran, activating the transponder message to Tharon at the same time. She kept her back to the wall and slinked through the maze of halls. When she heard voices approaching, she ducked into a room to hide until they passed.

To her surprise, there weren’t many people here. Kiek must not have been too worried about one Earthling getting away. Ha. That’s what he got for underestimating her. She was a nanny, and nannies never cower. There weren’t many things scarier than a screaming infant with a snotty nose and diarrhea.

When she came to the kitchen, she breathed a sigh of relief. There was always a back door in the kitchen. She heard the abductor yell out from the room she had left. “Where did the Earthling go?”

She dashed around a small table and chairs and headed for a door on the far side. Once outside, she ran for the woods and hid behind the first thick tree to catch her breath.

She glanced at the transponder in her fist. The light on it still flashed, telling her it was transmitting her location and message. Hopefully, Tharon had his communicator on him to receive her SOS. If not, this escape could have been a mistake. She had no idea what kind of creatures roamed the woods on this planet.

She snaked her way through the trees behind the house. This was a dense forest, so she hoped she’d be able to hide for a while to keep the abductors at bay.

Just as she was beginning to feel safe, a large branch cracked in the near distance. She turned to see a huge purple creature that looked like a bear, but it had six legs. The creature was stalking toward her, slowly at first. It sped up as she ran again. She had no chance of getting away from the bear on foot, especially one so large and with six legs.

She heard shouting behind her as she raced between trees. Small limbs were slapping her face, and thorns were tearing into her skin. She hoped that going through the thick brush would slow the bear and give her a chance to get away.

Her heart pounded painfully against her ribs. The cold air stung her lungs as she gulped down what she could. A pain shot up her ankle as her body flung forward while her foot lodged under a root. Her hands broke her fall before she face-planted, but she still slammed hard to the ground.
