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Mia awoke with a jump. She had been dreaming of the twins being abducted. She hadn't been able to reach them or find Tharon. She finally woke when the panic reached into her conscious world.

Her startle must have awoken Tharon. "Mia? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Mia tried to slow her racing heart before answering him. "Yeah. Yes. I'm fine. I didn't mean to wake you."


His voice made it clear that he knew that she was lying. He cared enough to ask again, so Mia took a breath and admitted her repeated fear. "I had a nightmare."

He stayed silent, waiting for her to explain.

"I dreamed of losing the kids and not being able to get to you. It felt so real. It just brought up what happened earlier and the same fears. I just ..."

She wasn't sure how to say it, so she just put it bluntly. "I can't lose you or the kids. I just can't. My heart can't handle it."

Mia waited for him to speak, growing more nervous about saying anything at all when it was something they had talked about just before they had drifted off to sleep.

She felt Tharon shift his weight onto his elbow, facing her in the darkness of the room. “I don’t want you to ever worry about that,” Tharon whispered into her hair and pulled her close to his chest.

Being snug against him made her fear slowly dissipate. She felt safe with him. As if nothing could happen to her or the children. She knew that was naïve, but he had proven to her tonight that when he was there, everything would be all right.

“I just can’t lose them … or you. Ever.” Mia said the words into his neck. It made it easier for her to admit her true feelings to him if she didn’t have the weight of his eyes looking deep into her soul.

She felt him pull back to look at her. “You won’t.” He kissed her deeply and slowly. “Not ever.”

Mia’s heart jumped to her throat, promising an onslaught of waterworks if she spoke. Her eyes brimmed with tears, making the dark shapes blur into one. She took a deep breath and nodded before burying her face into his neck again.

He said, “We feel the same about you. When I knew you were in trouble, and I didn’t know where to start …” She could feel Tharon tense as he thought about her abduction.

“It’s okay. We’re here now and safe.” Mia kissed his jawline. She pulled back to comfort him more, but his embrace on her tightened. She looked up just as he pressed his lips against hers and tangled his hands in her hair.

Mia melted into the kiss, her hands finding their way to Tharon’s broad chest. Their tongues met in a fiery dance as they kissed with increasing urgency. The kiss was full of passion and longing. It was the kind of connection that was almost desperate. It left Mia breathless and wanting more.

She wanted as much of Tharon as she could possibly get.

Tharon's lips were soft against hers, but they held a fierce intensity that fueled her desire for him.

Mia lost herself in the sensation of Tharon's body pressed against hers, his strong arms holding her close.

Their breathing grew ragged and desperate as they broke apart for air. Mia looked up at him with hooded eyes that shone in the moonlight streaming through the window.

Mia pressed herself closer to Tharon as his hands roamed over her body, their bodies melding together like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly into place. She felt alive with him in a way she never thought possible.

As their kissing turned more heated and intense, Mia felt herself unraveling under his touch. Each stroke of his hand set fire to every nerve ending in her body, consuming every inch until she couldn't think straight.

Tharon reached down and slid his hand under her shirt, tracing lazy circles around her navel before moving upward to cup one breast possessively through the soft material of her bra.

Tharon pulled away from her mouth slowly before dipping down to capture one of her nipples with his mouth while he teased the other between nimble fingers.

“I don't want to be away from you,” he whispered throatily against the sensitive flesh of a nipple as it hardened almost instantly beneath his touch.

Mia gasped at how good it felt when he tugged gently on it. She moaned softly when he switched sides until both nipples had received equal attention. The sheer intensity of it all made it hard for Mia to stay focused. All she could pay attention to was how good he felt against every inch of exposed skin. How much she needed this release from their everyday innocuous lives. She needed this connection between them more than anything else right now, and if someone walked into that room at that precise moment … Well, neither would be stopping anytime soon.

As if reading each other’s thoughts, they quickly undressed until nothing but bare flesh separated them. The room was filled with low moans and gasps as they hungrily explored each other's bodies.

Their kisses grew more passionate by the second, and Tharon rolled on top of Mia. She moaned into his mouth as he pressed himself against her, letting his hardness rub against her. He broke the kiss to look down at her with a dark desire in his eyes.
