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“Because you’re my alokoi. I would wait forever for you.” He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her in for a series of hot licks and nips. “It’s been long enough since you were with him that I trust it’s safe for us to be together, Ivy. If you’re ready.”

Ready?She was already wriggling out of her leggings, getting one foot tangled in her panties in her haste to get them off. She wasn’t the one who’d been waiting years for this, but it sure felt like it.

“How much do you like these?” he asked gruffly, watching her struggle with an amused quirk to his mouth. Her noise of frustration must have clued him in that she couldn’t care less at that exact moment, because he reached down and ripped through the elastic, freeing her so she could clamber back onto his lap.

Straddling him, she yanked on his shirt, and he tore it open, popping buttons in every direction. Then he pulled her close. Her nipples scudded over the rough texture of his scales, sending sparks through her. He grabbed her ass with both hands, lifting her to line up the head of his cock with her opening.

Their eyes met, his glowing gold as the flames in the fireplace, and anticipation curled tight in her belly until it resembled pure, voracious hunger. “What are you waiting for?” she panted, tilting her hips back to better the angle. “Please, I need you.”

“That’s what I was waiting for, Beautiful,” he murmured. “Your pretty words to let me know I can finally have what’s mine.”

He relaxed his grip on her a little at a time, letting gravity impale her on his cock. The indulgent stretch of his thick head entering her sent a wash of tingles up her spine. It felt even better than she’d imagined, and the muscles in her thighs started to shake as he coaxed himself deeper inside her. Her progress stopped at the first of his ridges and, as she’d promised, she squeezed her internal muscles around the sensitive ring of tissue above it.

His groan and reflexive thrust was worth it when another ridge pushed inside her. She squeezed him again. His tail thumped hard on the sofa cushion beside them. “Gods, I’m not going to last if you keep doing that. Be good, and you’ll get what you want.”

Being on the naughty list was feeling pretty wonderful, though. She bit her lip, and with the right movement, captured a third ridge.Squeeze. His tail swung up and smacked her on the ass. The hot, stinging slap made her squeal and clench again.

“Bad girl,” he growled in her ear. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he applied steady downward pressure, and the rest of his deliciously textured cock slid inside her, burying him to the hilt. The curve forced the head directly against her g-spot, and she lost her breath when the pressure notched in just the right spot, like it was made to fit her. At the same time, his ridges massaged and stretched her inner walls with every movement, even the tiny movement of air flowing in and out of his lungs.

The sensation was so overwhelming and intense that all she could do was let go and enjoy it. Burying her face in his gorgeous, muscular chest, she whimpered and whined as he rolled his hips, driving his length in and out of her, rubbing his abdominal scales against her clit with every plunge. She was so wet now that his ridgespurredthrough her opening, and the relentless glide of the head against her most sensitive spot built her pleasure so quickly that her brain couldn’t keep up.

“You feel so good,” Tairon grunted. “So perfect, fuck, I can’t—I’m not—I’m—”

“Gonna come,” she gasped, but it was too late. She was already shaking and squeezing and cursing and begging, and he was throbbing and laughing and holding her tight, so tight, anchoring her so she didn’t fall off the sofa as he filled her up with hot, filthy pulses.

She collapsed against him, boneless and incapable of any words or rational thought. After a few more thrusts and shudders and murmured praise for what a good girl she was, what a bad girl, what a sweet girl,his, Tairon twisted his body so they both tipped sideways onto the sofa, her on top. His arms, legs, and tail tangled around her, securing her limbs so his cock stayed buried inside her until they both caught their breath.

“That was—” she began, when she could speak again.

“Everything,” he finished.


Late March

Ivybouncedonhertoes, stealing glances out the front window of the bakery as she counted out the register and wiped down the counter. Tairon was due any minute, and she couldn’t wait to show him what she’d been working on in secret.

In the three months since she and Tairon spent Christmas in the cabin, so much had changed. She’d officially moved into the hive, for one. Tairon and a couple of his friends had helped her pack her things and vacate the place she’d shared with James in record time. Maybe it was the three dragons standing behind her when she offered her proposal for splitting their joint belongings, or maybe it was Chelsea scowling at him from the kitchen table with his grandmother’s diamond on her finger, but James had agreed easily to everything she asked for.

“No hard feelings, right, Ive?” he’d said, offering his hand to shake. “We had something good while it lasted.”

She shook it, because really, she didn’t have hard feelings. He was right. Once upon a time, they’d had something. It just wasn’teverything. Now that she knew what that felt like, she couldn’t regret the past. Not when it’d brought her to her happily-ever-after.

After a few weeks of maintaining a separate loft apartment at the hive but spending every night in her dragon lover’s bed with his tail curled possessively around her ankle, Ivy’d given up the farce and moved permanently into Tairon’s apartment. His utter delight at sharing a space with her was adorable, and for the first week they lived together, he had followed her around constantly, literally taking notes. It was cute…until she caught him in the bathroom measuring her floss and writing down the amount she’d used.

“What are you doing?” she’d yelped.

He cleared his throat, looking appropriately embarrassed as he put the unused spool back in the medicine cabinet. “I didn’t get to observe certain, uh,habitsbefore, so I’m playing catch-up. I can’t explain why, but it satisfies something in me to know these details. Every new thing I learn about you makes you a little more mine, somehow. Is it too weird for you? I can stop if it’s scaring you off.”

“Your instincts aren’t weird,” she said instantly, crossing the tiled floor to give him a reassuring hug and peck on the cheek. “And it doesn’t scare me. I’m just feeling a tiny bit…I don’t know,scrutinized. I like that you pay attention to me and care about my preferences so much, but maybe we can draw the line at the bathroom door?”

He gave a relieved laugh, pulling her into his chest. “Totally reasonable. Thanks for being so understanding of my dragonishness.”

“I love your dragonishness,” she said quietly.

She really did. In fact, she probably enjoyed learning all his quirks as much as he enjoyed learning hers. For example, he called closets “hoard rooms,” which made her giggle every time she put laundry away, thinking of it as her hoard of socks and clean undies. He lit a candle with a puff of his breath before he ate, saying short prayers to his gods, even for snacks. Yes, the man prayed over his corn chips! And his fascination with tasting every part of her every day, even between her toes? She was definitely not going to interfere with his dragonishness.

That was the first time he’d told her he loved her, right there in front of the bathroom sink. Then he’d scooped her up and carried her to the nest in his bedroom to demonstrate yet another thing his long, forked tongue could do. She hadn’t quite caught up to him emotionally at that point, so she hadn’t said it back, butnow?
