Page 110 of Knot Guaranteed

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“What?” I ask, leaning forward. “Is the baby okay?”

“Thebabiesare looking good so far.” Dr. Davis continues clicking buttons and wiggling the wand on my lower abdomen.

“Holy shit,” Fitz whispers, but a wide smile breaks out over his face.

“We’re totally going to be outnumbered.” Ramsey chuckles.

“Thank God, we’ve got plenty of help,” Warrick says. The bond pulses with his satisfaction and maybe a bit of a smugness. He’s always particularly pleased every time I’m pregnant.

“Well, I’m having trouble picking out Baby B’s gender, but I can tell you Baby A, if you’d like?” Dr. Davis offers. I bite my lip but nod before I can stop myself. “Congratulations, Mom. You’re finally getting that girl you’re so desperate for.”

My eyes ache as tears spring to my eyes. “Really?”

“Absolutely. I’ll print you a picture, but this one is pretty clear. She wanted you to know she’s going to be making her arrival.” Dr. Davis gives me a soft smile.

* * *

“I’m okay,” I whisper, trying to keep from bursting into tears. “Really, it’s a very happy moment.”

“Mom, seriously?” Liberty laughs, running her hands down her baby blue prom dress. “Did you cry like this when the boys went to prom?”

“She did,” Fitz confirms, holding up his palms when I glare in his direction.

“She was fine until she looked at you, so I’m going to call bull—” Jett says, rolling his dark brown eyes. He looks so much like Ramsey and Warrick’s side of the family. It’s pretty clear he’s biologically one of theirs. Although, we haven’t done DNA tests with any of the kids. We felt like it was better left to chance.

“Hey,” Ramsey says, smacking Jett on the shoulder. “No cursing in front of the womenfolk. Also, don’t call your parents liars.”

“Yeah, got it.” Jett shoves his hands into his suit pockets, rocking on his heels. “Come on, wombmate.” He looks at Liberty. “We both know Mom won’t let us out of the house until she gets the perfect shot.”

I snuggle back into Warrick’s chest as he wraps an arm around my middle. I’m calling Shanna as soon as they walk out the door. I need my best friend to lament over how fast time flies. The guys are no help, because they keep making jokes about never wearing clothes again once we have an empty nest, which doesn’t actually sound terrible.

Some of these moments are a little bittersweet, but they’re growing into adults I’m proud to know. I lift my camera, preparing to take some pictures. After all, everything is easier to handle through the camera lens.
