Page 44 of Knot Guaranteed

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I shake my head. I need to taste him. My thumb rubs down the top of his shaft as he thrusts into my mouth. I make sure to cup his knot, and he growls. The first hot, sticky shots of his cum fill my mouth. I try to swallow it all, but it spills out around my lips as he just keeps coming. It’s so sexy that it nearly sends me over the edge. Or that might be the way his snarl vibrates against my sex while he teases my G-spot.

I gasp, moaning around his length as he grinds me over his mouth. Pleasure coils tight as my pussy begins to contract around his fingers. Electricity zaps its way through me as heat pulses, and I come with a scream that’s way too loud for such a confined space.

I shake and tremble, frantically grinding my core over his tongue. It gets to be too much as I start to come down, but Fitz continues tormenting my oversensitive clit as his arm holds me in place.

I groan, shakily trying to wiggle away. His cock falls against his stomach as I move to kneel next to him.

“Fucking hell,” he growls, sitting up enough to pull my mouth to his. “That was so hot.”

“It sure was,” Ramsey says from the doorway as Fitz rakes his teeth over my bottom lip.

I jolt, letting out a squeak, but Fitz holds me in place with his hand on my ass.

“Out,” he growls.

“We made it to Nashville.” Ramsey chuckles. My nipples get even tighter as I squirm on my heels. We got up close and personal, but I wasn’t naked for that. He gives me a solid once-over and winks, spinning around and walking out without another word.

“Come here.” Fitz lifts me, laying me down with my head on his chest. I toss a leg over his thigh, but I’m drenched, and it makes my face flame. Fitz has unnaturally long arms, because he grabs my leg, pulling it back as we both catch our breaths. “You’ve been mine since the first time I laid eyes on you. Now that I’ve had a taste, there’s no way I can let you get away. I hope you’re happy with that.”

My heart flames as I nod against his skin. It’s all I’ve dreamed of and more. Holy shit, I hope this isn’t a dream. I pinch my forearm and blow out a breath of relief when it stings.

It’s a little intimidating, but I trust Fitz more than pretty much anyone. “Yeah, definitely.”

* * *

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but the guys are insistent that we don’t need to cook or make reservations. Not that I’m all that great at cooking, but I would try. I’m used to helping my mom and sisters during the holidays.

Today ismyday to really celebrate my birthday, according to Fitz. We eat a small early lunch of sandwiches delivered by catering before we leave the bus.

I bring my camera with us, and Warrick swears my bag will make it to our suite with no trouble. It’s not that I don’t trust him. It’s just a little stressful, considering what already happened with my medication, but I do my best to push that out of my mind.

Fitz has taunted me nonstop that I’m going to love everything he has planned. He’s always been good at coordinating activities for us, and this feels extra special considering Ramsey and Warrick are coming too.

It’s a real courting date, the same way my mom described how she got to know my dads.

We start out the afternoon at the various music statues in downtown Nashville. They’re kind of cool. The guys pose for pictures, and even though I get a little anxious handing off my camera, I still do so I can be in a couple. The street is busy with vehicle traffic, making it easier for us to walk to the next attraction.

The entire area is incredible, and I get awesome pictures with the guys around the historic signs. Not to mention, there’s a whole walking tour. We meander past the honky-tonk bars and the western theme is prevalent. It’s chilly, but not so frigid that it’s impossible to enjoy ourselves.

“You’re looking a little tired,” Warrick growls close to my ear as we continue down the sidewalk.

“Nah, this is awesome.” I grin up at him, cupping my hand to block the afternoon sun from my eyes. Warrick immediately sidesteps. I laugh, shaking my head. “That’s convenient.”

“It’s always nice when I can use my size for something good.” He smiles, wrapping his hand in mine. “I’m going to guess your short, little legs are tired from all the walking.”

“I’m okay.” I give his hand a squeeze to let him know I appreciate it.

“Would you like a piggyback ride?”

I didn’t know that was an option. My head shakes. “No, I’m too heavy for that.”

Warrick has me lifted and wrapped around his back before I can blink. I freak out, patting around for my camera until I spot it in his hand. “Hold on tight, pretty girl.”

He strides forward on long legs, and it takes practically no time to catch up to Ramsey and Fitz. They’re surrounded by a small cluster of mostly women. My heart drops. I know not everything is about physical beauty, but it’s a little hard not to compare myself to the women fluttering their lashes atmy guys.

Ramsey pulls a permanent marker from his back pocket and winks in our direction. “Sorry, our girlfriend finally caught up. Can I sign something for you before we head off?”

“That’syour girlfriend?” one of them asks. It’s not the words, but the indignation, or possibly disbelief, lining her tone that makes my stomach drop.
