Page 21 of Hide n' Seek

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These were odds I could tolerate. And information I was willing to gamble on.

As the Seeker’s boots slid against the side of the truck just on the other side from where we were hidden, I lurched forward for the frying pan.

“Gotcha!” she shouted in triumph. “You’re dead, blue.”

I grabbed the handle, freeing it from the hanging rack, and turned, almost laughing aloud at the glow of the pink, heart-shaped marks around the Seeker’s eyes.

“You think so?” I said, my lip curling as I pulled my arm back and struck her so hard in the face that her nose exploded on impact, the blood seeping from her mask. I grabbed her arm, pulling her into the truck with us—leaving her friend stranded outside.

Jenna jumped on her instantly, locking her arm around the girl’s neck. “Pass out, pass out, pass out,” she demanded in a panicked voice.

And for good reason, the clang of metal against her skull was already drawing attention, other Seekers approaching the truck.

I poked my head up, my skin going cold as my eyes locked onto the unmistakable form of my ex-boyfriend, glowing blue mask and all.

“We gotta dip!” I shouted, throwing the back door of the truck open and jumping down.

If Dylan got his hands on me—if he realized who I was—he wouldn’t just kill me. He’d torture me first. Pay me back for the‘heartbreak’I put him through.

Honestly, I’d rather take my chances with the hundreds of other Seekers waiting to murder me. At least for them it wasn’t personal.

Game respects game.

Jenna dropped the girl, chasing after me as I rounded the truck, meeting me just as the first gunshot whizzed by.

“What do we do?” Jenna gasped, her voice high and panicked. “Vic, what do we do?!”

“Get a grip,” I snarled, looking around for somewhere, anywhere, that we could hide.

The shooting range was like signing our death warrant.

The Gravitron was too spinny.

But then there was—yes! Just up ahead was a brightly painted info booth. The sides of it were just tall enough that if we crouched, we could hide out at least for another few precious minutes.

Beside me, Jenna was hyperventilating.

I don’t know why I expected anything more from her, Legacy or not, she was always too soft for the realities of the games.

I dropped the pan, using my newly freed hand to slap her across the face. “Bitch, get your shit together. We aren’t dead yet. But we’re fucking going to be if you don’t get your head in the game.”

She gripped her cheek, tears streaming down her face under her black rabbit mask.


“Run!” I shouted, hauling her behind me with my grip on her wrist as I sprinted. A bullet hit the ground too close to my foot for comfort and I pivoted abruptly, nearly colliding with a purple-masked asshole waiting beside the info booth that I hadn’t even noticed until I was practically on top of him.

How could I be so fucking unlucky?


The gods of the games were on my side.

I’d been criminally unlucky since I’d been born, forced into a family that only saw me as a way to continue their legacy instead of a person. But for once in my sorry life, that was all changing.

For the first time, something was going my way.

The white rabbit I’d spotted in the waiting area nearly collided with me as she ran by, with the black rabbit—my target—just behind her.
