Page 62 of Hide n' Seek

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Kohl tipped their head back. “What, Dyl, scared I’m going to steal your woman?”

Dylan laughed, rolling his eyes as he offered his hand to me.

But I saw it, the uncertainty. He knew as well as I did that I was too fucking good for him. But that didn’t stop the hard blow that landed against Kohl’s shoulder.

“Fat chance, loser.”

I popped my shoes back on and took Dylan’s hand, letting him haul me to my feet.

“See you around,” I called to Kohl.

They waved, smiling blandly. “Play hard.”

“Die famous,” I hissed under my breath as Dylan led me into the house.

God, I couldn’t wait until this was over


Was killing her really necessary?

“What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled, jerking in the grip of the two men holding me back.

I managed to shake Yellow off, but Pink held strong.

Why was it always fucking like this?

One-on-one fights I could manage, I’d trained for them while preparing for the games… but multiple people at once?

I just knew the universe was laughing at me.

I used the arm I’d pulled from Yellow to slam my fist into Pink’s face, making his grip loosen. In a flash, I brought my booted foot up to his stomach and delivered a kick that sent him back a few feet.

Without hesitation, I turned on Dylan and rammed myself into him, sending both of us tumbling to the ground.

I should’ve taken my chance to run. I should’ve gotten up and ran past them to meet up with Vic.

But I never claimed to be smart. And my temper had been festering since the moment I’d seen Dylan with my fucking haircut.

I let the rage heating my veins boil over and slammed my fists into his face, one after the other. His mask fell off as I struck him, freeing me up to do some real damage.

Dylan raised his hands, trying to stop the assault, not that it did him any good.

I was tooangry.

“Every fucking time,” I growled, sending a punch with each word. “What’s your issue with me? Can’t you just be a fucking human? You’re supposed to be my goddamn big brother, you worthless sack of shit.”

I was jerked off him by arms circling my chest, heaving me backward.

I failed, grabbing the shirt of whoever pulled me away and attempting to flip us over. I wasn’t sturdy enough for it to work, the pair of us falling to the side. But it was enough for me to clamber back to my feet.

Pink lay on the ground in front of me, struggling to lift himself up. I raised my foot to stomp on his back, but weight slammed into me, making me lose my balance and fall onto my brother’s lackey with an “oof” of air.

“You are such a fucking dumbass, Kohl,” Yellow said from overhead as I struggled to get back to my feet.

Pink shifted under me, his arms wrapping around my torso. Who I assumed was Yellow locked his arm around me in a chokehold, completely stopping my movements and constricting my airflow.

I used my arms to try and push Pink off, but it was no use. With Yellow’s grip on me, they forced me to my feet, facing Dylan again.

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