Page 85 of Hide n' Seek

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For the first time, I didn’t feel the rush of warmth when her skin touched mine.

* * *

“Vic, wait–”

But it was already too late. She was rushing out of the car and into the rain before I could stop her.

The rain was pouring down, obstructing my view, but even so, bright red and blue lights flashed back at us.

I threw the car into park and darted out into the rain after her.

There was an abundance of uniforms scattered throughout, directing traffic and keeping the scene clear. Bright yellow caution tape was blocking off the side of the highway where it dipped into a small wooded area. One that was too dense for anything big and metal to make it through.

People honked at Vic as she sprinted past. Uniformed men raised their hands to stop her from approaching.

“Stop, miss, you can’t be here!”

“That’s my dad!” she screamed, her voice already hoarse as she tried to yell over the barrage of noise that hit us. “Please, I need to see if he’s okay. Let me through!”

I ran up behind Vic, grabbing her arm and forcing her to me.

“Don’t!” she yelled and shoved me back, then turned to the man. “Where is he?!”

The man’s lips pushed together in a thin line.

“Let me direct you over to my partners, they will be able to—wait!”

Vic pushed past the guy, running straight toward the drop-off of the highway. I darted after her, not wanting to know what they would do to her if she pushed them hard enough.

Legacy or not, there was only so much protection we had in the outside world.

I grabbed at her, curling my arms around her waist just as she reached the edge. I had gathered a sense of how bad it was on the car ride, but nothing had prepared me for how catastrophic the crash was.

The slope into the wooded area was steep, with little space between the highway and trees. The car had not just veered off the road, but it looked like it was going at a high speed because the way the front had crashed into the trees caused the entire front to become smashed metal.

The windshield was completely shattered, giving us a look at the blood-splattered interior.

Vic let out the most heart wrenching sound.

“Please, Vic,” I begged, pain filling my voice. “Please, don’t look.”

I attempted to cover her eyes, but her hands were there, clawing them away.

“I must,” she gasped. “Don’t you fucking interfere.”

Her words made me jerk back.

Men in uniforms flocked up, none of them looking like they were willing to play nice.

I reached out one again to try and bring her close to me, try to stop the pain that was surly tearing through her entire being, but stopped short when she sent me a glare so filled with hate I started to wonder if the Vic I had known all along was the real one, or was it the rage-filled, vengeance-driven person I was seeing then?

* * *

It would be another four hours before I trekked back into my house, clothes sticking to me because of the rain. A chill had settled over me long ago, causing my fingers and toes to become numb, but I pushed off all of it.

The image of Vic’s tear-stricken face flashing through my mind. The sounds of her hoarse yells echoing through my mind.

Why her? First her mom, and now her dad?
