Page 121 of Don't Hate Me

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I knew the feeling all too well. People like Blake and I, we never had a place to ourselves. Never had a place where we could fully take the mask off and justlive.We were both being watched. Both of us had to adhere to the roles that were assigned to us.

Even more so, in her case, this apartment marked the beginning of her new life.

I vowed to get her an even bigger one. Once this was all over, I would make it so we never had to run again.

I wrapped my arm around her, my hand coming to tug her hood down.

It wouldn’t be long before the agents assigned to her would scramble down to try to recover whatever was left in the apartment, maybe hoping that Blake would be pulled out of the rubble.

They were probably freaking out at that very moment, trying to come up with an excuse as to why they allowed their ward’s house to be burned to a crisp.

It wasn’t their fault, we made sure to layer unwanted clothes and other flammable items doused with gas around to help give the fire a fighting chance.

“But now there is nothing stopping you from getting something bigger, better than before,” I said. I could already see it in my head. A beautiful, sparling house overlooking the ocean. One that was ours and ours alone.

A smile played on her lips.

“And who will pay for that now that I’m out of a job?” she asked. The teasing tone in her words caused my chest to warm.

“You know very fucking well I would buy you a Manhattan penthouse if you wanted,” I said with a huff.

And I fucking would. I planned to spend every last fucking dime I had on her until she was living like a queen. I planned to make up for every lost moment. Every time she had to go without. I planned to give her the life she never dreamed possible.

She let me pull her through the crowd. More people from the buildings next to ours had shown up, all of them looking up at the fire with a horrified look on their faces.

Just wait till they see what’s next.

“One more place,” I said. “One more thing to do, and we are out of here.”

We only got a few blocks away before the second explosion went off. Blake didn’t even falter in her steps as we left the area.

* * *

Pain shot up my arm as my hand came into contact with Jonson’s face.

He hadn’t been expecting the greeting and lost his balance, falling to the floor and looking up at me with a searing look on his face.

“Whoa, whoa,” Avery said, her hands coming to my arms and forcing them down to my side. For onceshewas acting like the nice guy? I almost scoffed aloud. “Jonson is here to help us. Let’s not go burning this bridge, okay?”

Her tone was warning me that I overstepped, but I didn’t care. He was the reason this whole thing started. The reason Russell couldn’t leave her alone.

Because of him, Blake had been on the run for far too long. If he had just done his job, he would have never come back.

I threw the USB Blake gave me at him. It was insane how such a small, overlooked object held all the information needed to bring down one of the most dangerous groups in the states.

“Russell and Alec Crowe,” I said, my tone deadly. “There is more than enough on them here to open a case against them. So tell me why the fuck they found Tiffany?”

His eyes widened before he shot toward Blake, who had been hidden behind me.

He acted like he didn’t know her when he came in. I would have been impressed by his willingness to keep the secret if I hadn’t been so angry.

“Tiffany, I am so sorry,” he said. I hated how sincere it sounded. “Trust me when I say I tried my best to do what I could with the information.”

“Well it wasn’t enough, was it?” I asked. “What the fuck happened?”

I wanted to hurt him. Him and anyone else who had put Blake into this position.

She had been through so much and yet after all those years in hiding, she still couldn’t have gotten a break?
