Page 137 of Don't Hate Me

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“Last thing?” I asked with a disbelieving laugh. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“I amsavingyou,” he hissed. “I’m sorry for bringing you into this life. It wasn’t fair to you.”

“You saved me,” I said, forcing us both to our feet. “Without you, who knows who they would have sold me to. I was mad you were trying to decommission me, but I always knew without you, I’d be much worse off.”

His brows pulled together as his hand cupped my face.

“I didn’t save you, Quinn,” he said. “Istoleyou. Kidnapped you from your parents because I saw the chance to mold you into something useful for the guild. I’m sorry.”

I didn’t have time to digest the information before he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.Why was everyone giving me hugs as my heart threatened to break?

“This is me repaying you,” he said and pushed me away. He sent me a forced smile and readied his gun. “I know I fucked up, but believe me when I tell you that you became an important part of my life.”

I took a shaky step back. I tried to clamp down on the emotional tidal wave that was running through my body and force it into the darkness like I always had. But I couldn’t stop the grief from showing on my face.

“Run, Quinn,” he whispered and readied his gun.

I turned on my heels, casting one last glance at the man who raised me, and ran out the door and into the cold night.

There was a slight hill on the way back. My lungs burned with the pressure it took deliver air to them. Pain clouded my mind. Deep breathes and the knowledge of Blake waiting for me kept me going.

It took a few more minutes at my pace to find the car, but it was there like he promised. And then, I heard the single gunshot.

“Damn it, Rolf,” I hissed, forcing the car door open.

* * *

Pain radiates through my mind as I stalk through the police station. Blood was dripping down my arm and to the floor, the sound of the droplets following me as I went.

I tried to block out the pain. Tried to force my brain to focus on the task at hand. I had done it time and time again, but this time panic was infused with the pain.

Calm yourself. Push it away. Think of her.

It wasn’t hard, not when the thought of what they could be doing to Blake was taking over my mind. I tried not to focus on Rolf’s face when he pushed me toward the exit. Tried not to think of how bad my chest hurt when I heard that single gunshot ring out.

For him, for Blake. I’ll make them pay.

The single cop manning their front desk was fast asleep as I approached.

Rage was boiling under my skin so powerfully that I didn’t have to even think about what my next steps were.

My footsteps were silent as I crossed the floor, maneuvered around the desk, and grabbed his tie before looping it around his neck and giving it a hard yank. My other hand came to cover his nose and mouth as he struggled.

The jerks of his body sent fresh pain shooting through me. I had to stifle my groan when he gave a particularly powerful jerk.

It took all of two minutes before he slumped into the chair, but I didn’t let up for another few until I was sure he was dead. I stole his gun from him, along with his taser.

You would think the senator brought more backup than this.

Just as the thought passed through my head, a figure stepped in the room. They froze, allowing me enough time to use the taser on him. His body jerked, his scream got caught in his throat as he convulsed.

His body fell to the ground in seconds. I tied the dead man’s tie tight against the trigger, knowing that he would be dead before I came back.

I wanted them to hurt. I wanted to hear them scream for taking what was mine.

But I also needed to reel myself in enough to get her back.

I thought of her face as she was taken out of the diner. How blood trailed down her neck, the head wound from a few days ago reopening.
