Page 14 of Scandalous Liaison

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“That’s something you should have thought of before selling your soul to the devil.” I issued two shots between his eyes, one unnecessary but I was a thorough guy. That’s one of the many things my father had taught me.

He also instilled in me the need to take care of those who were injured. I’d already made arrangements for the removal of the horses. As I headed for the corral, I dialed the number I knew by heart.

“Have the horses removed and taken to my ranch. If you have any trouble, let me know. I’ll scan and email you a copy of the signed contract later tonight. You can wait until in the morning to begin the delivery.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it for you. Have a good rest of your vacation.”


Brutal savages like me never took a day off let alone a vacation, but why not enjoy myself while I was in California? I laughed at the thought as I headed for my car. The day had certainly turned out better than I’d originally thought.

All because of a beautiful flower who’d sized me up in the space of a few seconds. I rubbed my index finger across my lips, still able to taste her sweet pussy.

Perhaps we’d meet again under different circumstances.



Where the hell was my lucky dress? The one that made me look like a voluptuous vixen?

Lucky? I wasn’t entirely certain I knew how to spell the word, let alone experience the concept. Before today, I hadn’t gotten laid in so long I was sure I’d become the world’s biggest ice queen even if I found a man I could tolerate for longer than ten minutes.

And I’d been wearing unfashionable business attire since I hadn’t been able to get out of the early morning meeting prior to jumping on a plane. Irrational thoughts about the mystery man continued to run through the back of my mind. By the end of the five-hour flight, I still had no idea about his name. We’d decided keeping it a mystery was a fun part of the game we’d initiated. Yes, I’d egged it on, enjoying the twisted and very forbidden romance far too much.

I dragged my tongue across my lips, hating the fact I continued to tingle all over from the mere thought of his heated, commanding touch. I wasn’t usually that kind of girl, wanton and wild, but I’d do it again.

You already did it twice.

There was that.

The flight attendant had even winked at me when we’d left. God. What in the hell had I done? A moment of utter shame colored my face, the heat driving spots in front of my eyes. Why should I feel any embarrassment? I was a grown woman who’d lived on her own for years. I could do any damn thing I wanted to. There were no rules.

Except ones of decency.

I rolled my eyes and yanked out another dress. I’d concentrated on packing the ones for the wedding. Sexy yet conservative. Not a single one of them would do for tonight. It was apparent I wanted the raunchy moment to continue. I involuntarily reached for my pearls, fingering them like I’d done before. Then I hissed and yanked them over my head, tossing them into my suitcase. I’d never be able to wear them again without envisioning his face.

And his rock-hard body. Only I hadn’t seen much of it. Maybe it was true that less was more.


Men like that weren’t into long term anything and I certainly had no desire or time to try to navigate the intricacies of a relationship. What was I saying? A relationship was out of the question for a long time to come. That was if I could tolerate anyone. I laughed at myself, tossing another unwanted selection onto the floor instead of the chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Dating had been out of the question, even though I worked in public relations that provided fantasies for a living. Well, in the sense of the perfect romantic getaway. I was the queen of making every island destination, every winery excursion and overseas cruise deliciously impossible to resist. My clients were ‘the’ destination, the one that you wouldn’t be caught not experiencing.

Romantic. Breathtaking. Once in a lifetime.

I’d won awards, had been sent at least two hundred ‘thank you’ cards from satisfied customers who’d been convinced into taking one of the fabulous trips, most of them getting married. I was paid the big bucks, which allowed me to live in the lifestyle I preferred, my beautiful red Mercedes convertible my first luxury purchase when I’d hit six figures.

But it hadn’t been the last.

I was known as the queen of romance. Men wanted to fuck me. Women wanted to become me.

I traveled. I tasted the most incredible foods. I lived in the lap of luxury, required to taste or try every product or service prior to agreeing to work with them. That had been a codicil placed in my recent contract, which had allowed me to travel the world in style.

And me?

I was lucky to be able to go home to my empty condominium every other weekend very much alone. That’s why being even fifty miles from the old homestead had driven a near migraine into my temples. And I’d never experienced one before in my life.
