Page 47 of Scandalous Liaison

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“I wouldn’t mind crossing the country in any vehicle if I had a lovely companion to join me. We shall see how well we’re getting along.”

“Dream on,” I told him. God, the man was far too attractive, especially in candlelight, his massive body framed by the last vestiges of afternoon sun.

“You look stunning, Suzannah. And I usually make dreams come true.”

“Right. A cross country trip wasn’t part of the deal. A long weekend. Nothing more.”

“Codicils to the contract can be arranged,” he said in a dark, demanding voice that drove a rush of need between my legs.

“It’s very rare. The car, I mean. A seventy-three, isn’t it?”

Kendrick smiled and gave me a nod. “You know your vehicles, including those considered classics.”

“Don’t be shocked. I was raised with a father who used to drag race as a kid and two brothers. I was driving as soon as I was tall enough to see over the steering wheel.” While it was true, I wasn’t certain why I’d bothered telling him. He seemed impressed, giving me a nod as if allowing me a true moment of respect.

I wanted to wipe it off his face, still furious how he’d caught me leaving.

“A real surprise,” he said. “A pleasant one I might add.”

“What? You thought I played with Barbie dolls while I wore cutesy, girlie clothes? That wasn’t me. I was the girl most likely to get mud on her jeans, preferring animals and bugs to dolls. My mother hated me for it.”

“I doubt your mother hated you.”

“Then you would be wrong. Granted, the tabloids only highlight the glorious family gatherings at horseraces and other celebrations. She’s truly a piranha in fabulous clothes, spending more money on plastic surgery than anyone I know.”

Chuckling, he eyed me carefully, leaning back in his chair, completely comfortable in his surroundings. As soon as he unbuttoned his jacket, I caught a glimpse of a shoulder holster. We both remained quiet as the waiter approached. I paid no attention as Kendrick ordered a bottle of wine without asking me what I preferred. I wasn’t planning on letting myself go, or enjoying even a single moment.

As if you have a choice.

I rolled my eyes at the words whispered by my inner voice. I did enjoy being with the man but that didn’t mean I would let my guard down around him ever again. I still had my phone, which meant I would contact my friends. The four of us had escaped more than one challenging situation in the past.

The waiter left and Kendrick yanked the napkin off the table, placing it in his lap. Heat rose on my face from the way he was staring at me. To think I’d purchased a sexy little dress for the evening, spending way too much money on it and new lingerie. I was out of my fucking mind.

The fact he remained quiet became more unnerving with every passing second. I snapped my head in his direction, narrowing my eyes frustratingly. With strings of vibrant fuchsia, tangerine, and plum crisscrossing the sky, mixing with twinkling stars and a very bright full moon, his entire massive frame was close to being luminous. Even the way the light breeze tousled his long locks drew my attention away from the rage I felt deep inside.

“What’s wrong, sunshine?” he asked, although the sound was husky, more like a savage growl.

I leaned over, folding my arms. “Do you always come packing?”

He laughed, his eyes sparkling like precious gems. “The answer is yes. I’m certain you’ve figured out it’s a necessity in my business just like I’m positive it is with your father.” Oh, my God. He was loving the fact he could challenge me, shoving me off my high horse.

“Don’t you dare do that.”

“What am I doing?”

“Comparing our families. They aren’t the same.”

“Aren’t they? Let’s make some notes, shall we?” He leaned forward, the table small enough he filled up more than half the surface, his face too close to mine. His lips too dangerously delicious and tempting. “Your family owns wineries, a horse farm, and several thoroughbreds who’ve won dozens of blue ribbons and trophies. Mine owns distilleries, a large horse ranch, and our thoroughbreds have won a similar number of prizes. We’ve also sired a dozen champions. We recently purchased two small wineries, the wines winning four major competitions last year. Now, if you’d like to continue the comparison, including real estate, I’m certain the list will grow exponentially.”

The grin on his face was one I wanted to wipe off.

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, darlin’. That will happen later tonight, I assure you. Our next few days are set in motion. I do have the contract with me, by the way. I saved you the effort.”

How the hell had he done that? He’d intercepted a private message from my attorney. My God. The man was capable of anything, all of it unscrupulous. “You’re a reprehensible bastard. Now, answer the question from before. What do you want with my family?”

“Who says I want anything? We just happened to meet on a plane. Two strangers getting to know each other. Did you ever stop to think that quite possibly karma had determined that we needed to meet? To fuck?”
