Page 48 of Scandalous Liaison

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Every word was dripping with arrogance. I was ready to launch into him again when the waiter appeared like clockwork, going through all the motions of highlighting the wine, opening it slowly, allowing the man at the table a taste and waiting as that said man took his time swirling the liquid in the glass, taking a deep whiff, contemplating then finally nodding. I was ready to scratch out both their eyes from disgust.

Kendrick had enjoyed planning every second of this.

“Right. And I have a lovely tropical island to sell you in Egypt.” I reached for my glass, yanking hard enough I sloshed wine over the edge. When I pulled it to my lips, licking off the drops, he narrowed his eyes, his chest rising and falling.

“The truth is I have unfinished business with your father.”

“Which is?”

He suddenly appeared more uncomfortable. “Let’s just say our families have traveled in the same circles for a long time. Often that leads to disagreements.”

“I was right in my assumptions. You do consider my family an enemy.”

“Very good, sweet Suzannah.”

“Which is why you came to California. To crush my father’s regime and build your brand in its place. How fascinating.” And I’d fallen into the trap.

“I am a consummate businessman.”

This wasn’t about a disagreement with a contract or a mishandled wine order. I leaned across the table, lowering my voice. “You really do think my father had something to do with what happened to yours.”

He didn’t answer, merely studying me as he’d done before, running the tip of his index finger around the rim of his wineglass. When he did speak, the question caught me off guard.

“Why did you leave your family, moving to Atlanta?”

It was a way of letting me know he had learned every scrap of information about my life possible. I looked away, studying the water for a few seconds. The location was beautiful, a reminder of how much I’d missed by taking such an extreme action years before. There was no reason to lie. “After my father made it very clear when I graduated college that there was a position he’d selected for me inside the company, I was excited. I had ideas for expanding the corporation including new forms of marketing for the winery and our beautiful inns. I wanted to be a part of the hospitality end since my father had purchased several small resorts, turning them into niche operations. Boutique hotels were just starting to become the rage.”

“Then what happened?”

“Reality happened. The great position I was promised was as my brother’s secretary.” I waited for his reaction, which was little more than a tight scowl but his eyes flashed in anger as they’d done before. “My father didn’t even have the decency to label the position as an executive assistant or office manager. In my father’s eyes, I was nothing but a glorified secretary, which meant I’d never advance within the company.”

“A truly sexist pig. I’m curious. What did you do?”

“Somehow, I managed not to pull out one of my father’s weapons, shooting him between the eyes. By that point, I’d been offered a job in Atlanta handling marketing at a small firm specializing in the hospitality and travel industry. It wasn’t far removed from what I’d hoped to do within the Warrington operation, so I hopped a plane the next day and never looked back. I became America’s sweetheart of the travel industry, faking smiles for the camera. And no, I don’t regret it. I learned a lot, including what I wanted out of my life.”

“Which is?”

“To have absolute control at all times.”

“I doubt that’s what you really want. At least personally.”

“You don’t know me, Kendrick. What you learned in your quick investigation of me doesn’t tell you about the woman inside. It doesn’t provide any details of the sacrifices I’ve made or the friendships I can no longer trust. Hell, I can’t even rid myself of the last name of the asshole I married because my boss won’t change my contract. The name is far too valuable to him. So, don’t you presume to know what I need or want. I might seem naïve or young to you, but I’m certainly not weak. I’ve just made some mistakes. And trusting my family was the biggest mistake of all. However, that’s not something you should attempt to use against my father. I want to work within the company, not have it destroyed.” Perhaps I was being unfair to the man sitting across from me. If what I was saying was true, what I’d learned in the tabloids and on Google meant nothing about the man sitting in front of me. However, I wasn’t going to open myself up to criticism or heartbreak.

No matter how good looking he was or how much I enjoyed being with him.


“I hope so.”

He toyed with his glass, running his finger around the rim. Then he dunked the tip into the smooth cabernet, immediately rolling the tip across the pursed seam of my mouth. “I’ve learned many things in my life, Suzannah, including the fact losing control during moments of passion has nothing to do with weakness or the lack of resolve. Your work ethic and desire to climb the ladder is admirable, but often those who long for control in the boardroom hunger to lose it in the bedroom. That keeps them balanced. You crave finding the right person you can place your entire trust in that will provide you with the needs you’ve already identified. In doing so, you’ll finally feel free to indulge in all the darkness that’s been furrowing deep inside of you as long as you can remember.” He pressed his finger past my lips, thrusting in slow and even strokes.

I wanted to be appalled, to force his hand away, but I found myself wrapping my fingers around his wrist, holding his arm in place. I even used my jaw muscles to suck like I’d done on his glorious cock. However, this moment was more intimate, sensual in a way that hinted of sinful things to come. The taste of his skin alone was spectacular, enough so I had visions of doing this for thirty minutes.

“Maybe.” Of course he was right. I’d just been terrified to admit it to myself.

“The fact you agreed to surrender to me body and soul tells me many things about the woman inside. Her strength. Her intelligence. Her passion.” He took another deep breath, shaking his head so slowly that I could tell what he was thinking.

He wanted to devour me all over again.
