Page 49 of Scandalous Liaison

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That wasn’t going to happen. But there was nothing I wanted more. He was intoxicating in everything he did, the padlock around the armor encompassing me shattered forever.

When he removed his finger, he held it close to the flickering candle, his nostrils flaring.

“What else do you think you know about me?” I asked, far too curious.

Before he answered, he darted his tongue across the tip of his finger and I shuddered to my core, breathless with need. My damp thighs forced me to shift back and forth in my seat. Damn the man. Damn his attractiveness, his insane wit, and his refusal to be denied anything.

God, I found that far too charming.

“What I know is that the hurt you felt years before has driven your career as well as your personal relationships up to this point. You selected a man who was safe and comfortable, or so he appeared on the outside. A good family. Well educated. Christian said and did all the right things at first. That’s why you agreed to marry him. Tell me I’m wrong, Suzannah.”

I took another sip of the wine, trying to hide my frustration. “No, you’re not wrong.”

“Then you found out that he was the worst kind of monster, hiding beneath his suave appearance and polished words. By then, you felt trapped. Plus, you didn’t want to allow anyone to see you’d failed.”

Goddamn him for figuring out the worst aspect of my life. At least he wasn’t being condescending, just matter of fact. “What does that make you?”

“I’ve already told you that I’m a dangerous man. I didn’t lie and that is something I won’t do,prekrasna kvitka. I pride myself in my honesty, often to the chagrin of my family.”

Why did I have a feeling he didn’t usually call any woman by an endearing name? And why did that thrill me as much as it did? “If you think that’s going to allow me to trust you then you would be wrong.”

“I can tell your ex-husband had a suffocating leash on you. The man deserves a very special place in hell for his actions and his attitude.”

His expression darkened and for a few seconds, I felt a strange sense of satisfaction in knowing that Mr. Mile High would have no issue putting a bullet in Christian’s head or worse.

I tingled inside from the realization.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box. I glared at it at first, remembering seconds later that as part of the deal, he’d insisted on selecting an engagement ring. I had to admit, a tiny bit of excitement tumbled through my stomach. However, I wasn’t going to allow him to see he could still entice me. Leaning forward, I issued a tight smirk. “Yes, I agree, but keep in mind I was the one who tossed him out.”

“Only after you found out he’d been fucking other women. Correct?”

Every aspect of my life with Christian had been highlighted in Atlanta social circles, fodder for people to jest over when they all had skeletons hidden in the darkest locations of their closets. Everyone did. That’s something I’d learned years before. This gorgeous man was no different. I just needed to dig deep in order to find them.

“You’re right on the money tonight. The bastard had the nerve to allow me to find him with a friend of mine. Or I’d thought she was a friend. It was humiliating. But Iama survivor. That’s what I do best.” Why I was reliving this with him was beyond me.

“Which is why you want this position and would enjoy crushing your father’s and brother’s control while turning it into a legitimate corporation. You’re also aware that of anyone you’ve ever met in your life, I’m perhaps the most logical choice to help you achieve your goals. Imagine what we could do if we combined forces.”

Was he kidding me? The idea was at least fascinating in every way.

“What’s in it for you? I won’t allow you to kill my father, no matter what you think.”

A new flash in his eyes highlighted a hint of pain, which surprised me. “Killing your father would only bring a momentary satisfaction, a sweet taste of revenge that would fade almost as soon as I stepped on a plane. I’m certain you were thorough in your investigation of my family and our particular empire. The legitimate worlds we walk in are very similar. What isn’t on the record books is how similar our more lucrative businesses are.”

I leaned back. “Drugs? Illegal arms? Real estate? Let me guess. Blackmail and extortion are used on a frequent basis. Perhaps there’s a little black book of secrets our respective fathers used to keep people in line.” I chuckled as I pulled my wine to my lips, licking the rim before taking a sip.

He cocked his head, a sly smile crossing his face. “Perhaps it’s best you don’t know the ugly details.”

“I’m not a child, Kendrick. I always knew Daddy dearest crossed the morally gray line a long time ago. Once he did, there was no turning back.”

For a few seconds, he drummed his fingers on the table. “And you want a part of that?”

The question was one I’d been wrestling with for a long time. “I do.” I could see a change in his expression as memories shifted into his mind. It was interesting to see a portion of his armor had fallen. “I’m sorry about your father. However, as horrible as Daddy dearest has been to me, I don’t see him as a killer. I assume you were close with yours.”

He chuckled. “Your father would order the killing done. My father was as hard on me as yours has been on you. Pops wasn’t entirely certain I respected our heritage.”

“That’s right. He was also a self-made man.”

“You were checking on me.”
