Page 6 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Such language. It would appear you need to have your mouth washed out with soap.”

“You know what, buddy? I’ll venture a guess that you’re coldhearted while pretending to care about those around you, able to plaster on a smile while figuring out a way to stab your competition in the back with a rusty dagger.” Now I was being the one with a bad attitude. That’s what the thought of spending time with my family did every time.

“Wow. You have me pegged. Very nice.”

“I’m remarkably good at it.” I heard a pop of the fresh champagne bottle and took a deep breath. Hopefully, another glass of bubbly would put me in the better mood for the five-hour flight. If not, the man might be strangled and my face on the evening news as the suspect.

“An interesting game,” he said in passing. “I would say you’re a scorned woman, your ex leaving you for another woman a few years younger and much more adventurous.”

Very few men set me off the way he had but instead of scratching his eyes out, I smiled. “I’ll have you know I left him.”

At least part of my tossed-out statement wasn’t a big, fat lie. However, he didn’t need to know that.

“Ah, I think I understand.”

Oh, no. I wasn’t going down that road. As the flight attendant approached, I leaned back in the seat, offering her my kindest smile. Unfortunately, she also had the jerk’s glass of scotch. I had the urge to accidentally on purpose knock her hand, but I chose not to. The last thing I wanted to do was to be kicked off the flight.

“Whatever, buddy. Have a very nice, lonely rest of your life since no one would dare consider being around you for longer than five seconds.”

“Ouch,” he muttered, truly acting as if I’d hurt his feelings. Right.

“By the way, is your father even dead because if he’s not, the excuse you used was the most reprehensible, horrible, disgusting thing anyone in the history of this planet has used. And for that alone, you’ll burn in the fires of hell for all eternity.”

Mr. Asshole looked me straight in the eyes, leaning over, his sexy lips pursed. His scent was deliriously intoxicating, his lips dangerously close. And I wanted nothing more than for him to reach out and kiss me. As if reading my mind, he pinched my chin between his thumb and forefinger, causing a ripple effect of desire and need followed by repulsion and refusal to allow him to get under my skin.

“The answer, sweet princess, is yes. My father was murdered in cold blood in front of my younger brother and myself. Now, I’m left to pick up the pieces.”



To say I was stunned was the understatement of the year.

I’d opened my mouth wide, inserting my entire foot. Hell, I’d inserted my leg. What was I saying? I usually was never so callous, but as of late and with everything I’d been through with the divorce, my entire personality had changed.

For the worse.

Or maybe this man just brought out all the worst qualities in a person.

I felt like an absolute shit.

We were locked in a moment, his hold on my skin sending searing heat coursing through me. It seemed all time stopped, and he allowed me to see a hint of raw pain behind his soulless eyes. I swallowed, especially when I realized how much I wanted him to kiss me.

Finally, I came to some sense of rational thought, pulling away. Now heat crested across my jaw for an entirely different reason. “I am very sorry for your loss. I hope the authorities catch the bastard who did that to you and your family.”

“That sounds like you mean it.”

“Yes, I do. I happen to be a genuinely nice person.”

Oh, God. I was a horrible person. Just horrible.

“Uh-huh. I’m certain you are,” he snipped.

Nope. I wasn’t a nice person given the horrible thoughts racing through my mind. For some crazy reason, ugly thoughts about my ex-husband popped into my mind. Christian had been kind, chivalrous in the beginning. Look where it had gotten me. Maybe I needed to give assholes a try for a change.

He exhaled and leaned back in his seat, not making a single noise. Why did I have a feeling he was still watching me? Was it wishful thinking?

With a fresh glass of champagne in my hand, I decided to ignore him, pulling up my iPad and shifting to the pictures of my brother and his fiancée the girl had on her Facebook page. They were far too cutesy, although I had a feeling she had no idea what she was getting herself in the middle of. The Warrington family wasn’t easy by any means, our wealth and power making it impossible to create an easygoing, Hallmark loving picture-perfect moment.
