Page 74 of Scandalous Liaison

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The smirk on the man’s face meant I was right in that he’d put his own fiancée up to asking me of all people to be a part of her wedding party. The reason why? Steinbeck wanted to ensure I’d stay at the wedding and reception the entire time.

“Wow. That was… awkward.”

“I’ll say. Maid of honor?” She quickly followed my gaze. “He and Pops have been in several secret meetings lately.”

“Which means they have something planned. You haven’t signed anything recently, have you?”

“What does that mean?”

“That means do not sign a single piece of paper our father presents you without yelling for me. Promise me that.” I wouldn’t put it past my father to con my sister into signing a marriage contract. Or worse, signing away her portion of the business. She had a trust fund as well, stocks just as I did. I had very bad feeling the carrot dangled in front of my face was really about some blackmail scheme my father had concocted. Shit. This would need to be played out carefully.

Could I trust Kendrick? It would seem I’d need to.

How had this game gotten so far out of hand?

Because you’re not a game player. Don’t kid yourself.

“Okay. Okay. What are you so worried about?” Serena asked.

“When it comes to our father and his greed, everything. Have you seen any sign Steinbeck cares about that girl?”

“It was very quick. Like exactly as Ashley mentioned it happened,” Serena answered. “But they seem very much in love, at least from the little bit of time I’ve seen them together. You think she’s being used.”

“I think our father is a master manipulator. He’d sell our souls to the devil for a hot few bucks.”

“Then you need to warn her.”

And burst the girl’s bubble? While I knew Serena was right, adding wedding wrecker to my list of accomplishments wasn’t what I’d had in mind when returning home.

The girl was hopelessly in love with my brother. Meanwhile, I agreed with Kendrick that our father had arranged it for Steinbeck like he’d tried with me years before. The jury was out on whether or not he would treat her right. Yeah, I’d need to break her heart.


The days were getting better and better.



At least Rutherford Warrington was bright enough to take me to another portion of the winery where we could have a more private discussion behind closed doors. He walked to a cabinet, pulling out a bottle of scotch. I allowed him to take his time pouring two glasses. We were civilized after all. My bride to be was correct. There was no need to ruin a festive event.


I studied the wines as he took his time, enjoying the tension and his apprehension. He wasn’t certain what to make of me.

“So you’re the mystery son everyone thought was dead,” he said as he handed me a glass, studying me intently.

Chuckling, I immediately brought the rim to my lips, taking a sip. “Excellent choice.”

“I sell wine. I can’t stand to drink it. I’m curious. Where have you been all these years?”

“Business abroad. My family does have an international corporation. But you already knew that.”

“Yes, well, your father was a highly respected man. I was sorry to hear about his death.”

After taking another sip, I turned to face him. “You and I both know you were behind his assassination.” I wanted to see his reaction. There was genuine surprise in his eyes, something that couldn’t be faked or masked. I wasn’t certain what to make of it.

“I’m many things, Mr. Gregory, but killing a rival wouldn’t be in my best interest. As you’ve likely predetermined, I have a lot to lose by making foolish decisions. However, I was aware your father had several dangerous enemies. Have you checked with them?”
