Page 92 of Scandalous Liaison

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Who would fucking dare come into a place I was staying and try to hurt the woman… I cared about? Whoever it was would die by my hands. And I’d make it painful.

I’d been truthful to Suzannah. The moment my foot had hit the parking lot pavement, I’d sensed something was wrong. My bones had ached from the knowing. I could swear I’d been able to sniff out the stench of blood. I hadn’t been far off given the side of Mark’s head had been covered in blood. There was no mistaking the glint in the light from the corridor just outside the room.

Two minutes longer and she might have been abducted or worse.

The thought ravaged what was left of my humanity.

I stormed into the living room, glaring down at the second man I’d shot between the eyes. He wore dark gray material, just like the other fucking asshole. It wasn’t some trademark of a group of assassins but an attempt at blending in even under streetlights. Few people knew it but the color close to charcoal allowed for shadows to swallow a person almost in their entirety even where black could easily be seen.

That told me that the attack hadn’t been random.

Unfortunately, there were too many candidates as to who was behind the ploy to take her away. Everything was possible from a ransom attempt to Carlos discovering I’d allowed his son and grandson to live. Although I didn’t think the latter. Even if Carlos was determined to get even, he would have needed more time to put a plan of revenge together.

That was unless he’d had me watched, another crazy test.

I made a mental note to find out. Right now, I was putting my money on Rutherford Warrington. His sudden glow of happiness right after the announcement had been an attempt at throwing me off guard. I was certain of it.

As I crouched down, I yanked out my phone, dialing Grayson. “We have a problem.” The cleaning crew had just arrived. The place looked like a freaking tornado had gone through it, lamps turned over, furniture moved. Suzannah had put up one hell of a fight.

“What’s going on?”

“Suzannah was attacked. I’m not entirely certain they weren’t gunning for me. As a matter of fact, I think they were. I’m not supposed to be in town.”

“That’s an interesting way of putting it. I’m setting the scene now for the task you assigned. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” The man was always cautious on the phone, even though we swept them on a regular basis. At this point, taking any unnecessary risks wasn’t in our best interest.

“There’s nothing you can do here. Put your ear to the ground. Someone is talking and you know it. Whoever is behind this incident will brag. And find out everything you can about what Carlos has been up to as well as everything about Senator Winslow.”

“First, you’re playing with fire with regard to Carlos. I know what the man is capable of.”

“Just do it!” I snapped, exhaustion and rage starting to get to me.

“Fine. Have it your way,” Grayson snarled. “And this senator?”

“Find out if he was ever attacked. And anything else that seems pertinent.”

“You must think I’m a goddamn miracle worker.”

“We have an entire array of people at our fingertips, other who owe us favors. Put them to work.” I was running out of patience.

Grayson sighed. “Alright. Any bets on who attacked you?”

“I have a few thoughts I’m not ready to mention. Also use our contacts to check Rutherford’s phone records. I’ll bet he made a phone call or two to some people that might have a connection to Raphael Diego.”

“Tall order to find out but I’ll do my best.”

“And I want a conversation with the contact you mentioned first thing in the morning. Or I will hunt this man down.”

“Already made that phone call. Eight in the morning.”

“Just tell me where and I’ll be there.”

“I will.”

After ending the call, I slipped the phone into my pocket as I continued to study the body of the first asshole who dared touch my beautiful woman.

“I’m heading to the parking lot, boss,” Mark said from behind me. “There’s no identification on them.”

“Not surprising. They’re pros. As I expected.”
