Page 18 of Orc Savage

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The voice in my head that tries to convince me to fight isn’t mine. At least, I am not sure that it is my voice. But it sounds familiar.

But instead of listening to the voice, I remain still, as if I am ready and waiting for the wolves to attack me.



Idon’t react right away when I hear the roar coming from the house.

Instead, I finish picking the echinacea blossoms before I straighten up and switch the basket to my other arm.

Then I sigh.

“I told him to stay still,” I mutter to myself. I don’t try to keep my voice low, because Kian cannot hear me. The only beings around to hear me are the trees and the spirits, and I talk to myself so much that they’ve started ignoring me.

“I told him to rest.”

It is only when I round the corner and can see the front of the house that I realize that the situation is much worse than I thought.

I had assumed that Kian had just fallen out of bed or something.

Now, I throw the basket down and run to the house as one of the younger wolves pounces on Kian.

I scan the situation as I leap into action. All the wolves I have ever met all hate orcs, although I don’t know why.

His fucking chest wound is also open! They’re probably attracted to the blood, too.

I think this furiously to myself as I run to Kian’s rescue. The young wolf, named Fever, has Kian on his back and is growling at him.

All those damn herbs will have to be washed and sorted all over again,I think distractedly to myself as I leap onto Fever and push him out of the way.

The wolves growl and bark gruffly as I round on them, on all fours.

I growl right back at them, and I watch as some of the pack hurries over to Fever to inspect him and nuzzle with him.

Meanwhile, the other half of the pack, including Safira, Kira, and two of Safira’s children, stay close to me, growling at the wolves who have clearly chosen Fever’s side.

They don’t understand. They don’t understand why they can’t attack him. And now I’ve committed the ultimate sin. I’ve hurt someone in my own pack.

I am horrified at what has just happened. For the first time in my life, some of the wolves in my pack are looking at me with clear suspicion in their eyes.

What have I done?

My thoughts are filled with dismay as the growling between the two sides continues.

It is hard to think straight beneath my horror and sadness at what has transpired.

But one thing I do know is that Kian is probably bleeding out behind me.

I turn to him, while Safira steps in front of me to provide protection while my back is turned.

“Get back inside,” I hiss at him.

His eyes are filled with fear and anger. He opens his mouth as if to argue, but I cut him off sharply.

“If you don’t get inside now, I’ll let Fever and the rest of the wolves rip you apart.” I turn away as I watch him look warily at the situation before he crawls back indoors.

Safira gently bumps up against me and nuzzles me quietly before we both turn to glare at Fever and the wolves surrounding him.
