Page 42 of I Will Save You

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It’s dark. Too dark.

Completely dark and cold.

“Wha?” I gasp, sitting up quickly. I can’t see my hand in front of my face, but I can hear Winnie breathing in my lap. Another breath fills the air. “Cam?”

A hand goes to my knee. “Right here.”

“Where are we?”

“In a car underground.”

A pneumatic whirl, then a jolt followed by a squeal, like steel on steel, makes my stomach turn.


“We’re on a lift.”

“A lift?”

“An elevator for a car.”

“Where is it – ”

Before I can finish my question, we’re descending, tiny little lights turning on in a row as we descend down a long shaft.

“What is this place?” I whisper.

“Our home for the next few weeks.”

“I mean, what is this place?”

“An underground bunker.”

“Bunker? Like where you hide during a war?”

“Yeah, Princess,” he says with a chuckle. “Exactly like a war.”

The car is hot, turning stifling with every breath. Sweat and musk fill the air as I feel my skin heat up. Claustrophobia isn’t a problem for me, but I can feel a small panic starting in my gut, and I do not like this one little bit.

Not that I have a choice.

My heart is in my throat, and Winnie stands in my lap, circling a bit, clearing agitated. I only see her in flickers as the lights pass.

“How far down does this go?” I ask, Cam looking straight ahead. His hand comforts me, the touch soothing on my knee.

“About two hundred feet.”

Every inch of pressure weighs down on my head suddenly.

“And this is where we’re going? What if someone follows us?”

“There’s a small army of security guards who will turn them into fishing lures if they try.”

“You said you were taking me to a safe house. You weren’t joking.”

“I would never joke about protecting you, Paigelynn.”
