Page 95 of The Harmless Series

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I’ve imagined this moment a million times over the last four years, all of it filled with self-hatred for wanting Drew so much. Before, when I thought he’d betrayed me, desiring him seemed like a curse.

Now that I know the truth, though, the fire between us is a revelation. He’s transporting me. His fingers on my belly make me smile. His hand on my breast makes me gasp. The pull of my hair in his fingers makes me kiss him even harder and strum my fingers along his erection.

He damn near chokes.

“That feels so good,” he growls, nipping at my earlobe, his hand gliding over my ass and squeezing. We grind into each other, my legs scissoring, his thick shaft a source of delicious friction against my V.

I giggle. I can’t help it. I’m reminded of making out my senior year of high school, stuck in a hidden, empty car on the Grove’s grounds, and how we dry humped until I had chafe marks on my thighs.

“What’s so funny?” he asks, dazed and out of it.

“Remember when we made out in the old service car?”

His deep rumble joins my higher laugh. Even his voice seems bigger. Richer. Smoother and more sophisticated than four years ago. He nudges his hips against mine. “Is this reminding you of that?”

“A little.”

“This time you won’t get red marks,” he promises.

“How do you know?”

“Because now I know we just need to take our pants off.” He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles, looking up at me under his eyelashes. “For safety.”

“For safety, huh?” I say skeptically.

We’re aroused. I’m throbbing. If Drew doesn’t touch me soon, I’m going to explode. I don’t care if this makes me seem desperate. I am desperate.

I take his hands and push his fingertips under my waistband.

He raises one eyebrow and says, “You sure?”

“Are you not?” I freeze. Maybe I’ve gone too far. Maybe this was all a mistake. Maybe he doesn’t really --

My mouth is devoured by Drew.

“I want to be naked with you,” I say breathlessly, coming up for air between kisses, the inch-by-inch exploration of my body too tentative, too slow. If I’m going to go swimming, I need to just jump in. None of this toe-in-the-water business.

I want to be hot and sweaty, naked and clenching, overwhelmed and catapulted to a sexual frenzy that makes me forget who I am.

And Drew tastes like he’s right there with me.

“You call the shots.”

“That’s an order.”

I shimmy out of my pants, on my bedspread wearing just a shirt and panties. He does the same, except he pulls off his shirt, stretched out next to me in boxer briefs. It occurs to me that if there were an emergency, Drew would be in serious trouble. Daddy would go stratospheric if he found the head of my security team naked in my bed with me.

I grin.

All the more reason to keep going.

My breathing changes as his hands slip under my hoodie. I sit up and peel it off, tangling his hands along my chest for a moment. He makes a small sound of amusement, and then a deeper one.

Of hunger.

I’m wearing a thin black tank and in a rush of quick decision peel it off, too.

Cold air rushes to tweak my nipples, making them hard, the skin around them pebbling with gooseflesh.
