Page 1 of Broken Soul

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Skid has been waiting for years to get his revenge on the brother who killed his wife.

After the rival club, who the Souls suspected Chop was leading, betrayed him and turned him in, Skid was ready to finally get his vengeance.

However, Chop managed to get away before that could happen and his whereabouts have, once again, become a mystery.

Prez has been worried for some time about how his Long Beach Charter is being run by its president, Cliff, and now he’s certain he has enough evidence to perform a takedown; he is focusing all of his attention on bringing Cliff to justice and repairing the damage he has done.

Brax is anxious as he awaits the birth of his first child with his old lady, Grace, while the rest of the club members are getting used to the ways in which the club is changing.

Meanwhile, Skid is reflecting on a mistake he made after Carly’s death.

When he gets a chance to right that mistake can he put all his demons behind him and allow himself to be happy, or will he always be a broken soul…?

“He can’t take care of that kid by himself.” Mom looks worried as she stares out the kitchen window and watches my brother loading the black van parked on the drive. “I don’t even know where he’s planning on going.”

“He said he needed to get out of town.” I shrug, watching Tobias with the same concern. He ain’t acting right; he’s all manic, and skittish. I doubt he’s gonna see any reason in what I got to say but I guess the least I can do is try.

“I’ll talk to him.” I place my empty coffee mug in the sink and kiss Mom’s cheek before I head outside to try and talk some sense into him.

“So, what's your plan?” I keep my voice calm and casual, resting my ass on the hood of Mom’s car while Tobias loads up all the tools he’s been storing in our parents’ garage into the back.

“My plan is to get the fuck outta here.” He doesn’t look up from what he’s doing and the determined expression on his face confirms that I’m wasting my breath with this.

“And what about him?” I flick my eyes toward my little nephew. I barely know the kid, his mom is some stripper from Idaho that my brother knocked up five years ago. I didn’t even realize Tobias was still playing a part in his life until he showed up here with him last night. Apparently, his Mom, Luciana, has gone AWOL and Tobias’s responsible for him now.

I can understand why Mom’s worried.

“Kids need stability, Tobe. They need security. Ain’t he supposed to be at school or some shit?”

“Yo, kid, how old are ya?” my brother stops to shout across at him, and I roll my eyes and remind myself to stay patient.

“Five.” Tommy stops kicking his ball against the garage wall and looks up at us nervously.

“You go to school?” Tobias frowns.

“Kindergarten,” the kid answers, and when Tobias looks back at me he simply shrugs his shoulders.

“You could set down some roots here. Mom could help take care of him, we could get him enrolled in a school. Hell, we could even set up that garage we always talked about.” I do my best to make him stop and think. Tobias has never been the type to stay in one place for too long. Mom and Dad are used to going months without hearing from him, and when he does eventually show up it’s usually because he needs something.

“Look, I don’t know Luciana; or what her problem is right now, but there's every chance she’s gonna come to her senses. If you fuck off and take the kid on one of your exhibitions, how’s she ever gonna find you?”

Tobias drops the box he’s loading and thunders toward me. Getting right up in my face. “She ain’t fuckin’ comin’ back, okay?” he hisses through his teeth, but I stand firm, showing that I ain't afraid of him and glancing toward his kid to remind my brother that he’s there, staring at us both helplessly.

“I ain’t stayin’ in this dead-end town, and if you got any sense of your own, neither will you.” Tobias doesn’t acknowledge Tommy, nor the fact he looks scared, he just gets back to what he was doing.

“You can’t live the way you’ve been livin’. Not when you got someone who’s relyin’ on you,” I remind him.

“Well as it happens,Tristan.” He says my name in the same tone Mom uses. “I’ve found a way to make some real fuckin’ money.”

“An illegal way to make money?” I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.

“I got a meetin’ with the president of this Motorcycle Club in Colorado lined up—”

“Colorado?” Now I’m really confused, Colorado’s a long-assed way from home.

“You heard right. Colorado.” He nods.
