Page 109 of Broken Soul

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“Can ya hear yourself?” I question my Road Captain's sanity.

“This girl’s never known civilization. That’s the problem.” Jessie looks a little haunted as he looks back through the door at her. “That village… You’d have to see it to believe it, Prez.”

“Does Skid’s old lady know she’s down here?” I keep my voice low, so the girl doesn’t hear.

“No, Skid don’t even know she’s here, yet. We kinda had to think fast,” Jessie explains.

“Jesus Christ.” I sigh before I head back into the room to figure this shit out.

“My name’s Jimmer Carson. I’m President of this club and you're very welcome here.” I start off by introducing myself, but the girl’s eyes don’t move from the wall.

“Are ya… comfortable?” I question, thinking about how unethical this all seems. She doesn’t answer but her lips start moving as if they’re chanting something.

“We could find ya somewhere more appropriate if you’d like?” I take a step closer and hear the words that are being whispered so quietly they are barely audible.

“He will be gracious and forgive us our sins. He will be gracious and forgive us our sins. He will be gracious and forgive us our sins.”

“Darlin’, do you want us to find ya somewhere else? It doesn’t have to be near your sister.”

Her lips stop moving and she slowly turns her head toward me.

“To speak her name is to sin. Sins will be punished, through Him, unto me.” The blank look on her face puts a little fear in me, and after she calmly stares back at the wall and continues her chant, I head back out to Brax and Jessie.

“She’s bat-shit crazy. Are ya seriously tellin’ me the doctors released her?”

“Not exactly.” Jessie cracks his neck awkwardly, his eyes looking across at Brax in a way that I don’t like at all.

“Someone better tell me what the fuck is goin’ on here,right now.”

“Grace went in to visit her after she spoke to Addison this mornin’ and there had been an incident. The girl had locked herself in the store room at the hospital and wouldn’t come out for hours. The doctors decided they’d done all they could for her there and they were gonna get her sectioned. Grace had made Addison a promise and she wasn’t gonna let her go to the crazy farm. You know the kinda shit that happens in those places.”

“So, you took her?” I rush them to the part of this story that’s important.

“We waited until she was out of it from the drugs they gave her to calm her down and, yeah, we took her.” I can see that Jessie is nervous about my reaction.

“That’s the real reason she’s down here, ain’t it? You brought a crazy person tomyclub.”

“She’s not crazy, she’s been abused. She needs help and Skid’s old lady is one of us now. You're the one always tellin’ us that we help family. I didn’t have time to consult ya, you were holdin’ your meeting with the nomads. Me and Brax only had a small window of opportunity while the nurses were doing handover,” Jessie explains, and I can’t help but notice how much he’s matured just lately. He handled shit real well while I was riding out with Troj.

“Look, Prez, Grace is on board. She’ll help all she can and the girl seems to be more at ease here than she was at the hospital. The place was too clinical and modern for her,” Brax tries to convince me.

He knows a little about tough love. I remember a time not so long ago when he helped Ella’s friend, Abby, get over her heroin addiction by keeping her down here. His being cruel to be kind method worked out, but this situation ain’t the same.

“No.” I shake my head.

“Prez, she needs our help.” Jessie scratches the back of his head. I can see how passionate he and Brax are about this, and how he hates to go against my word. I hate to refuse them, but the risk is too much.

“Jessie, she can’t stay here. Not if Addison is a trigger for her. Crazy people can do crazy things and she needs proper help.”


“But, that don’t mean we ain’t gonna help her,” I interrupt him before he starts trying to question me. “Just leave this one with me.” I point my finger between the pair of ‘em before climbing the stairs back up to the foyer and heading for the members-only bar.

Once I’ve poured myself something strong I take out my phone and dial up the person I know will always answer.

“Jimmer Carson.” Mitch almost sounds pleased to hear from me.

“Does the ranch still have that cabin? The one, off-grid, that no one knows about?” I get right to it, wondering if the safe house my grandfather built in case things ever went south is still at a Carson man’s disposal.
