Page 12 of Broken Soul

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“We haven’t got much time, Abraham just left with your father and Elder Andrew to get supplies,” he whispers, pressing the small plastic bag that contains the pills I need into my hand. I quickly lift up my skirt and stuff them into my underwear to secure them until I can get them to my hiding place.

“They’re working, right?” he checks.

“They seem to be.” I keep my head down and feel my cheeks flush.

“Addison?” The tone of his voice tells me that he knows something is wrong and when I feel his hand push under my chin and he lifts my head, the disgust on his face brings tears to my eyes.

“He did that to you?” He shakes his head when he sees the bruise and throws his fist into the shed wall.

“Charlie,” I whisper-yell at him, grabbing the hand he’s trying to shake the pain out of and clutching it in mine.

“What do you expect? We’ve been wed for over a year, and thanks to your supply, I’m not… producing.”

“So, I’m not helping at all.” He makes a frustrated laugh as he snatches his hand away from me and forces it through his hair.

“Don’t you dare say that, what you do for me is already too much. Everything you risk—”

“And yet you still have to endure what that bastard does to you. Look at your face, Addison. Look at what he’s done.”

“Is it that bad?” I ask. Mirrors are not permitted in the house, Abraham tells us they are the Devil's eyes into our world.

“It’s bad,” he tells me, closing his eyes like it hurts him to look at me. “I’ve got to get you out of here. I should have done it before you married him, then you would never have had to…” He struggles to finish his sentence.

“Charlie, you know that’s never gonna happen, and even if you could, where would we go? We aren’t prepared for the outside world. The evil—”

“I’ve been sneaking out,” he interrupts me, and the loud gasp I make has him slamming his hand over my mouth and pushing me into the shed. “Where do you think I’ve been getting those pills for you?” he tells me with a cocky grin on his face.

“I thought you were stealing them from the medical center.” I pull his hand away so I can answer.

“You know contraception is forbidden.” He gives me that same dumb look he always does when I prove how naive I am.

Of course, I knew Charlie was taking risks getting these for me, but I had no idea he would go beyond the perimeter. Anything could have happened to him out there.

“There’s more.” He keeps his voice low. “I’ve been learning stuff about life beyond the fence. The people aren’t so bad. Out there they trade with money and I’ve managed to get us some.” I feel my mouth drop open.

“Charlie, if you are caught…”

“Shhh, don’t you worry about that, you just keep on surviving until I collect enough to get us out. We can survive out there, Addison. I’ll get a job and I’ll take care of you. Out there, the women…they have careers too. They’re doctors and law people. They’re so much more than just—”

“I can’t leave without my sister,” I tell him, not liking the worried look on his face. She’s close to coming of age. As soon as she is, she will have to perform the same duties as I do.

“I know that, and I’m working on it. We’re gonna need more money for three of us. That means I’ll need more time.”

“This is too much of a risk. If you get caught with money you will be punished.” I shake my head.

“I won’t be caught. I keep it hidden. And you should know where just in case anything happens to me. There’s a tree behind my folks’ place. Its branches are easy enough to climb and will take you high enough to get over the fence. The only way out is over, Addison, don’t forget that, okay?” He grips my shoulders tight, making sure I take in what he’s telling me.

“Charlie, don’t speak like this.” I shake my head, unable to even think of the risks he’s been taking for me.”

“This is important. Listen. When you get over you’ll be surrounded by woodland. There’s an ash tree. You’ll know it because it has a white trunk and stands out from all the others. I keep the money tin buried under the big root that's sticking out from the ground. You got all that?”

I nod my head, terrified just thinking about him leaving.

“And remember, the only way out is over. There’s no other way out, Addison. Don’t even attempt it.” I nod my head again. The thought of being on the other side of the perimeter is petrifying yet exciting all at the same time. I like the sound of freedom, despite the outside world being so scary. And the thought of Abraham not visiting my bed every night makes the risk of being caught seem almost worth it.

“Just stay strong.” Charlie nods his head at me and smiles, though I see the worry behind it, and it always makes me wonder why he would put so much on the line for me. He’s almost at the age where he could take a wife himself, his father may not be an Elder but he is respected. He could request a girl he actually liked and stand a chance of happiness.

“Charlie, if this doesn’t work…”

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