Page 14 of Broken Soul

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I hear the door creak open and when the natural light bursts through, my body craves the fresh air so much that I stand on my wobbly legs and move toward it to greet him. Abraham smiles like he’s pleased to see me as he hands me a plate of fresh berries and some granola. Despite my stomach growling at me, the smell of it instantly makes me gag, and when I quickly place the plate back in his hands and turn toward the porcelain basin in the corner of the room to empty my stomach, I hate the satisfied chuckle he makes from behind me. It makes me grip the edge of the basin in frustration.

“Well, it seems my theory was correct.” Abraham places the plate down on the floor and steps toward me. Sliding his hand around my body and resting it on my flat stomach. “It’s been more than seven weeks since you bled. I think it’s time we got you examined.”

The feeling of terror is outweighed by my desperation to leave this hovel, and as my husband guides me up the stairs and into the bright light of day, I have to shield my eyes from the sun.

My feet barely feel like they can carry me as he leads me back into the house and when I see Hilda nursing her new baby on the rocking chair in the kitchen, she spares me a mere glance to greet me.

“Annie, take Addison upstairs and help her bathe. Make sure the water isn’t too hot,” he instructs before he looks across the room to Solomon. He’s the same age as Charlie and will also soon be taking a wife. “Go and get Magna.”

“Magna.” Hilda looks up from her feeding child with a smirk on her face. She’s never been kind to me. I swear that bitch can read me and gets off on my suffering.

“Yes, I am more than sure that Addison has been blessed. We must have it confirmed and treat her delicately. This is her first time, remember. Kindness and patience will be required from us all.”

Annie silently leads me up the stairs to the bathroom, and as soon as the door is closed she turns on the facet.

‘Where did he take you? I was worried,” she whispers.

“There’s a bunker-basement thing under the house.” I sit on the edge of the bath, exhausted from the exercise it took me to get up the stairs, and the heat from the steam rising off the bath is already making me dizzy.

“He’s had you there all this time? Addison, it’s been months!” She looks shocked, but as the dizziness and the tightening of my stomach combine, I have to quickly rush to the basin so I can throw up again.

“I’m sorry.”

She holds back my greasy hair for me and strokes my back with affection.

“At least he will leave you alone now.” She smiles when I steadily get back on my feet.

“I can’t have a child, not here.” I shake my head and sob. I’ve had my own suspicions for a few weeks now, but I’ve been too scared to even think it might be true.

“Come, let’s get you clean.” Annie helps me over to the bath, and as I sink into the lukewarm water I feel my muscles start to loosen.

Abraham provided me with a bowl and sponge to clean myself with each day, but it’s been so long since I’ve felt clean.

I don’t know how long I lie in the water but a sharp knock at the door tells me my time is up. Annie holds out a towel and aids me in climbing out. I dry off and put on a fresh robe before Abraham, who’s waiting outside, leads me to the master bedroom where Magna is waiting.

The old woman points her long, wrinkly finger to the bed before covering her hands with plastic gloves and lubricating the tips of them. I lie back on the mattress while my husband watches impatiently as she guides my legs open and pushes my knees back. Her fingers enter me uncomfortably, making me squirm and my body climb up the mattress. She tuts at me impatiently and Annie quickly steps up to offer me some support, taking my hand as Magna’s cold fingers fumble around inside me. When she eventually withdraws them, she nods to my husband before snapping the gloves off her hands, picking up her bag, and leaving.

“I will report our news to the Elders, we have been in their prayers,” Abraham tells me as I close my legs and roll on my side. “Go to your room and rest, I have something special planned for you this evening.” He bends over me so he can kiss my cheek before he follows out after her.

It’s dusk when we all leave the house together. Everyone is dressed like they do for Sunday church. Perhaps that’s where we are heading. I’ve been trapped in the bunker for so long that I don’t even know what month it is, let alone what day. But it does strike me as strange that we would be going to church so late. Abraham always does his sermons in the morning.

There seems to be a bustle in the village. I can’t tell if it’s out of fear or excitement, but as Abraham leads us proudly to the announcement stand in the center, the nerves start to knot in my stomach. I search around for Charlie and when I see no sign of him, an overwhelming panic comes over me.

My husband pulls me up onto the platform, and my breath catches in my throat when Solomon and one of the other Elders bring Charlie out of the reflection hut that’s on the other side of the village. He looks malnourished and weak as he stumbles on his feet to keep up with their strides. I close my eyes to contain my tears when I see that his feet are bare and his ankles and wrists are shackled.

Charlie isn’t fighting them off when I’m brave enough to reopen them. He lets them drag him up the steps onto the platform beside me. I risk a glance in his direction, and he remains facing forward with a brave, determined look on his face. It’s not convincing when compared with the way his chest moves to catch up with his breaths.

“We have gathered you all here tonight to share with you some news. Once again, the good Lord has graced us. My wife carries a child,” Abraham announces as his hand touches my stomach affectionately.

I see pride on my father’s face as he and Mom hang on Abraham's words. And when I take another subtle look at Charlie, his head has dropped in disappointment.

“Where the Lord has gifted us, he has also found a means to test us.” My husband's tone changes and his attention swiftly moves to my friend.

“No!” Charlie’s mother screams from the crowd.

“Benedict, control your woman,” he orders.

Charlie’s father steps forward and takes his wife's elbow, looking every bit as devastated as she does, as he pulls her back and silences her.
