Page 33 of Broken Soul

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Soon as I step through the door and see the way he’s standing I know there’s something wrong. It’s defensive and a little anxious like the time he was blocking me from getting through the door of my cabin to see for myself that Carly was dead.

“What's happened, Jess?” I try to stay calm.

“You better follow me.” He sighs as he turns around and leads me up the stairs.

“I was lookin’ for those pills Addison has on her list, and they weren’t in the bathroom so I figured they might be by her bed. They weren’t, so I checked her top drawer.” Jessie leads me into her room and pulls out one on her nightstand so I can see for myself what’s got him on edge.

It’s full of Addison’s underwear, but what’s got Jessie so disturbed, and me fuckin’ furious, is the fact that all of her underwear is covered in something that looks a lot like fuckin’ jizz.

“I don’t think I need to tell ya what that is, or that it’s not been there long,” Jessie points out the fuckin’ obvious as I pull one of the garments out and hold it between my thumb and finger, in disgust.

“That fucker wants her to know he’s watchin’,” I growl, suddenly feeling like there are eyes on me too.

“If he’s watchin’ us, he’s gonna know where she is.” Jess drags his hand through his hair. “There’s no reasonin’ with these kinda men.”

“I know that.” I drop her panties back into the drawer and slam it shut, sitting my ass on her bed and looking up at the ceiling for some fuckin’ answers.

“They won’t come to the club, they ain’t got enough numbers. They can’t risk anyone other than Elders leavin’ the village because of the scaremongering they do to keep everyone in line,” I assure him. The last thing I want is for him to be worrying about Maddy. She’s another victim of my brother’s destruction and she’s only just started to heal.

“No, but this shows they ain’t gonna give up. He’ll be waitin’ around every corner.” Jessie’s words ring in my head.

I want Addison to have a normal life. For Charlie to be able to go to school without her worrying. I need to find this man, and I need to find him now. And not just him, every one of those Elders need to die for Addison and Charlie’s safety to be ensured.

“You ready for a fight, Jess?” I ask when I figure there ain’t no other way around this.

“Hell yeah, brother, it’s what we fuckin’ live for.” He smirks.

* * *

My pulse is still racing when I get back to the compound, and I figure it’s best that I keep my distance from Addison. I don’t want her to see me like this. I’ve always kept her sheltered from this side of me. She would have had a tough enough day as it is, opening up to Grace.

So, I take my aggression to the gym, hitting the punch bag until Storm shows up and I have someone to spar with. I don’t even go home to shower before I spend most the night drinking in the members-only bar to avoid all the others. They’ve learned how to sense when I need to be alone and I’m sure Jessie has filled ‘em in on what we found back at the house.

I sit and let the rage inside me swirl around my head, imagining killing all the men who want to take her. I don’t even know what their faces look like, but I can see the color of their blood and hear the way they scream when I cause ‘em pain.

“How much longer do you have left?” I ask Grace as she clutches her boyfriend's arm and steadily lowers herself on the couch.

“My due date is in three weeks, so I’m trying to keep myself busy.” She blows the hair that’s fallen from her messy bun out of her face, reminding me of how tough those last few weeks can be.

“You can leave us now.” She turns to look at the man who’s hovering over her like a bodyguard.

“I ain’t leavin’, what if somethin’ happens?” He stares back at her as if she’s crazy.

“Like what? Worst we’re gonna do is take a dip in the lake.”

His eyes bulge out of his head, but before he can protest she starts to giggle. “Relax, that's not gonna happen. I can’t even get myself out of bed, let alone take a swim. Go hang out with Storm and talk torture tactics or something.” She waves her hand at him.

“Fine.” He doesn’t seem happy about it, but he does as she asks, kissing the top of her head before he heads out.

“Honestly, he hasn’t left my side for days now. It’s suffocating.” She shakes her head as I hand her the tea I’ve made her.

“So how are you settling in?” She smiles.

“I know why you're here and I’ll tell you whatever information I can.” I cut to the chase. This is going to be awkward. We might as well get straight to it.

“I’m not just here to get information from you, Addison. Us girls, we all tend to stick together. Hell, we need to. Living with a Soul man doesn’t come with a handbook. We all kinda learn from each other,” she explains.

“Me and Skid, we aren’t really together.” In fact, I don’t have a clue what we are.
