Page 40 of Broken Soul

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“Eight,” I tell her honestly. “Skid killed three of ‘em.” That part’s a lie. Skid only killed one. But it gives me satisfaction as I watch the look of disappointment shadow her face. Guess she’ll be clutching that cross she wears round her dainty neck and saying an extra prayer for her husband's forgiveness when she gets on her knees tonight.

“It’s hard to imagine him like that. He’s always so gentle and kind.” She puts on a brave smile, but the tears that threaten her eyes are real. I like that I caused them, they look pretty on her.

There’s a moment that passes between us, one where I wonder if she can see through my eyes and read the fucked-up thoughts in my head. Like how my cock would feel buried in her sweet little cunt. There would be nothing kind and gentle about the way I took her, not after Skid’s tainted her. I bet she’d like it too.

The door flies open and Carly seems relieved at the disruption, her hands are shaking like I’ve unnerved her as she smiles at her husband.

“Skid.” She sounds relieved as she rushes toward him, and he lays his claim on her by lifting her up in his arms, kissing her like a soldier who just came home from the fuckin’ battlefield.

“Did everything work out?” she asks, the joy in her eyes all for him as he places her back on her feet.

“Yeah, we met up with the Utah boys, they can take care of it for now.” He doesn’t give too much away to her. ‘Course, the Souls weren’t gonna just leave the Bastards compound with the lives they took. They raided their supplies as well, and the fact I managed to tip Clunk off about the fact we were coming gave him enough time for them to shift some of what they had. If he had put as much effort into preparing his men for the fight that was coming, maybe they wouldn’t have lost so many. Still, the more that fall, the more I’ll be needed and I can get away from this shit hole.

“How’s your arm? I can’t believe that new kid caught ya. Someone’s gonna have to teach him how to use a fuckin’ gun.” Skid chuckles.

“Leave him alone, it was a rookie mistake. He’ll learn from it.” Carly throws some optimism at the situation, though I see nothing endearing about getting fuckin’ shot at.

“Yeah, well if that rookie mistake had been a few feet higher he’d have given Chop his very own blowhole. Kid needs to start focusin’ on what's important around here, instead of pussy chasin’.” Skid grabs three beers from the refrigerator. “You know what they’re callin’ him down at Sluts Sanctuary?” He chuckles, popping the top of the one he hands to his wife, then handing another to me.

“Squealer,” Carly answers with a slight flush on her cheeks.

I don’t know why she wastes her efforts talkin’ to those sluts, none of the other old ladies do. But then, being mean isn’t in Carly’s nature. “Haven tells me it’s because he’s guaranteed to get you squealing.” She chews on her lip innocently, but the glance she exchanges with my brother tells me something different. Carly knows how to be a slut, a good, little fuckin’ slut that keeps that side of herself reserved just for him.

“Yeah, well, you keep that clumsy cunt-greaser away from me, or I’ll give a whole new meanin’ to his little pet name,” I warn, getting the fuck outta there and takin’ my beer with me.

“Michael,” Jenna’s voice sounds as concerned as it is confused as she snaps me back to the here and now.

“I asked who are you, Michael Fender,?”

I’m a monster.The voice in my head answers her question, yet I remain silent.

“You must remember something from before this?” She takes my hand in hers like she’s begging me for answers, answers that I couldn’t give her even if I wanted to.

Truth is, I’ve never really known who I am. I’m a man capable of the most horrific things, a man who can cut his emotions, who can betray those closest to him and still face himself in the mirror. I’m a destroyer, and yet I am capable of love. I loved my brother, and in a strange way I still kinda do. I love my son, even if he is pussy shit. But out of everyone, I loved Carly the most… and that was what killed her.

So, what we blowing?” Tripp slouches back in the chair he’s in and lights the spliff Hayden passes him.

“Nothin’. In fact, we called you here to do the opposite,” Prez informs him with a slight chuckle.

I left Addison in my bed to come down to the members-only when Jessie messaged to tell me Tripp had arrived. I’m pleased he’s here, now we can get things in motion, but despite my relief, I’m finding it hella hard to concentrate after what went down this morning. My whole life seems to have taken a turn in the space of a few hours, and I’m waiting for the high I’m riding on to suddenly crash.

Tripp stares back at Prez in confusion.

“There’s a village that's a four-hour drive from here. A special kinda village.”

“Okaaay.” Tripp shuffles in his seat, confusion turning to curiosity.

“Far as we know, the men who run that village have the entire perimeter rigged with C4.”

“And I’m guessing you need to get in.” Tripp catches on.

“Yeah, we need in, but it ain’t that simple. The place is swarmin’ with women and kids, all of whom, we’re pretty sure, have no idea that they’re rigged inside a death trap. Last thing we wanna do is cause panic and have one of their deaths on our conscience.”

“I hear ya.” He nods his head while he thinks. “It’s gonna take some preparation, I’m gonna need to see what I’m working with beforehand. It could take weeks. If there are innocents, we can’t take any risks.”

“I’ll take ya there myself,” I speak up, thinking about that sick, old fucker letting himself into Addison’s home and jerking himself off all over her underwear. He wanted to scare her, make her feel violated, and for that I will do whatever I can to make sure he suffers.

“You really think that's a good idea?” Jess looks across at me from where he’s propped against the bar. He saw how angry it made me, he knows I’m one step away from losing my shit. “This is just an intel job, Skid, there ain’t gonna be any action. Addison’s not feelin’ safe. We’re all still strangers to her and that boy of hers. I’m sure she’d prefer to have ya close,” he points out.
