Page 5 of Broken Soul

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There's no point in me refusing. Charlie is proof that rebelling only makes things worse.

“Must they stay?” My voice comes out weak and helpless as I look up at him.

“It is part of the ceremony. They must bear witness to our union. But fear not, my love, we have plenty of time alone together.”

Abraham lifts up his tunic and takes his manhood in his hand. I don’t want to see what it looks like, so I flick my eyes up and focus on the ceiling.

“No, no, Addison, eyes on me.” He makes his order, and knowing I must obey my husband I do as he requests, enduring the pain as he forces himself inside me with a wicked smile on his face.

“Mama, Mama.”

I jolt awake when I hear my little boy’s voice calling me. Before I can move, the door crashes open and Skid suddenly bounds through it, wearing nothing but his sweatpants and looking ready to do some serious damage.

“What happened?” He flicks on the light before his eyes search the room frantically.

“It was just a dream, we’re fine,” I assure him, catching my breath before taking Charlie's sweet, little face in my hands to assure him too. “Mommy’s fine, I promise.” I kiss his forehead, hating how scared he looks.

“I’ll get you some water,” Skid growls, lowering his hea as he steps back out the room and leaves me to comfort Charlie. It’s been a while since old memories like that one seeped their way into my dreams. But what happened yesterday has stirred everything from my past life back up again.

“Here.” Skid returns, towering over us as he holds out the glass of water.

When I take it I make small, steady sips, trying my best not to be distracted by the fact he’s wearing nothing on the top half of his body.

“Better?” he asks, taking the glass from my still-quivering hand when I’m finished and placing it on the nightstand.

“Thank you.” I nod.

“Mommy, you're shaking,” Charlie points out, making the frown on Skid’s face crease even deeper into his forehead.

“It was just a dream, baby, go back to sleep,” I encourage him to roll back on his side, gently soothing my hand through his hair until he falls back to sleep.

I’m very aware of the fact that Skid hasn’t moved from the spot where he’s been standing. He’s watching me with a pained look on his face, his chest rising and falling like he’s the one who just had the nightmare.

“You good?” he eventually cuts through the silence and asks me again, his intense stare daring me to lie to him.

When I slowly shake my head, I’m almost as shocked by my admission as I am at the fact he lifts up the covers and carefully slides in beside me. His huge arm slides beneath me, managing to scoop Charlie up too, and when his free hand guides my head to rest against his bare chest, I put up no resistance. Instead, I allow myself to take comfort in his protection.

“Sleep. I ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to either of ya,” he promises. His fingers stroke through my hair the same way I did Charlie’s, and when I feel his lips press into the top of my head, the familiar stir in my chest that comes with it is as comforting as it is dangerous.

The constant beeping in my head isn’t going away, my entire body aches and my throat is so dry I feel like I’m suffocating.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”

The vision in front of me is blurry, but I can just about make out her chin-length, brown hair and pretty, petite features. Her smile is warm, and her eyes are so full of kindness that I have to wonder if she’s ever known pain.

“Carly.” Her name comes out groggy, and as I feel myself start to lose focus again I remember the first time I saw that smile.

“You wanna hear today’s breakfast specials?” A sweet voice interrupts me from staring into my coffee. When I look up and see her for the first time, I swear my heart misses a fuckin’ beat.

“I just came on shift, Cassandra says you’ve been sitting here all night.” The pretty little waitress tilts her head to one side and smiles at me. It’s the kind of smile that warms you from your head to your toes because it’s genuine. Her lips are narrow and shiny from the gloss she has on them, and I can’t help wondering how they might taste.

“If you’re thinking of sticking around for breakfast, I highly recommend the blueberry pancakes.” She raises her eyebrows in a way that isn’t intended to be seductive, but boy does it make my fuckin’ cock ache.

“Blueberry pancakes it is.” I nod back at her.

“Good choice.” She turns around and heads toward the kitchen, giving me the perfect view of her tight, peach ass as she leans over the service counter and puts in my order.

When she returns a few minutes later with a fresh jug of coffee to top me up, I watch her dainty, little hand as it pours and envision it gripping around my fat cock.
