Page 51 of Broken Soul

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“But…” That sounds like good news and the look on Skid’s face is far from good.

“But…we have no idea where Abraham is. No one knows what he looks like. Maddy can’t find any background on him or any of the names you gave us. The description you gave us ain’t specific enough. We got eyes on the place from a distance so they don’t suspect, but I don’t know if he’s at the village or if he’s…”

“Still here… Waiting.” I finish the sentence for him while that sick feeling in my stomach lays heavier. I can picture the man’s smile, how his bony fingers clutched at my skin and his breath whispered in my ear.

“I just want things to go back to normal for the two of you. We’re doin’ everythin’ we can, Ads. But right now it just don’t feel like it’s enough.” I can see how frustrated he is. For the first time in weeks, he’s letting that mask of confidence he’s been wearing slip.

“And what is normal, Skid? What happens when all this is over?” I ask, thinking about what Charlie just asked me.

“What kinda question is that?” Skid shakes his head at me like I’ve confused him.

“The kind that feels really important right now,” I snap back. “Do we stay here? Do we go home? Are we dating? Are we living together now? Charlie just asked me if you’re gonna be his fuckin’ father for Christ’s sake!” I blurt out, and I can see from Skid’s face that I’ve shocked him as I massage my temple and try to relax.

“Whoa, calm down. Where’s all this comin’ from, Ads?” Skid stares at me, confused.

“Don’t you think about this stuff, Skid?” I question him, suddenly feeling like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.

“Addy, I’ll be honest, right now all I’m thinkin’ about is keepin’ the two of you safe. I know that everythin’ else is gonna figure itself out. We’re together, that’s all that matters,” he tells me in that deep, gravelly tone that usually soothes me.

Tonight, it doesn’t seem to work.

“Figure itself out?” The laugh I make sounds bitter, and it causes Skid to frown.

“For the first time in so long, I’m happy, Ads. I’m allowin’ myself to just befuckin’happy. I’m sorry that I haven’t thought about that shit. I’ve been more focused on how to get to that psycho bastard who’s tryin’ to take you and your son back to hell.”

“Well, it seems you're not happy enough to tell your mom the truth. Today, me and Grace walked from round the back of the garage, the window was open and I heard that argument you had with Rogue before we came inside.”

Skid closes his eyes and looks guilty when I let him know what this is really about.

“I don’t see much of a future for us if you can’t even tell your own mom that your wife is dead.” I hate how harsh my words sound, I hate even more that he has none to throw back at me. Suddenly, the walls of this cabin feel like they are crushing me. I need some time out, and I quickly jump up on my feet and head for the front door so I can escape it.

“Wait, where are you goin’?” Skid looks as though I’ve just punched him in the guts.

“I need some space. Watch Charlie, okay?” I manage before opening the door and rushing outside.

“Ads, come back. I don’t want to fight.”

I cut him off by slamming the door. Then marching across the yard, I act on impulse and head toward the cabin of the only person who can give me the answers I need.

I pound on the wooden door as loud as I can and when Rogue answers, I can’t make out if she’s surprised to see me or pissed that I’ve interrupted her.

“Can I come in?” I check over my shoulder to see if Skid’s followed me out. I don’t want to cause a scene out here in the yard. I’ve made a big enough fool of myself in front of him tonight, all my overthinking caused that huge emotional dump that he clearly wasn’t ready for.

“Ummm, sure.” Rogue opens the door a little wider to let me inside.

Seeing all the knives she has laid out on the table makes me feel a little unnerved and when I glance back at her, the smile she’s wearing scares me even more.

“Once a month I like to get ‘em out and sharpen ‘em up.” She takes a seat at the table and picks up the one with the jagged blade.

“I was kinda hoping we could talk in private.” I search around looking for Grimm.

“The floor’s yours. Grimm’s at the club doing an itinerary check of his basement.”

“Okay… I know this may seem a little weird that I’ve come to you, but you know Skid better than anyone and you’re obnoxiously straight with people. Right now, I need someone to be real straight with me because I don’t know if I’m coming or going here.”

“Oh no…” Rogue raises her hand up to stop me. “I’ve been in this situation before, too many times. You come to me because youthinkyou want the truth. I give it, and then it all ends in tears. I haven’t got the—”

“I’m late.” The words that come out aren’t the ones I came over here to say, but I guess they’re the ones that have been most on my mind. Stroking my clammy palm against my jeans, I watch the huge smirk lift on Rogue’s face.
