Page 55 of Broken Soul

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I can’t look back at her, I can’t face the reality of this. It feels like the weight of this fuckin’ tree is crushing me under it.

“What the fuck am I gonna do, Squeal? We ain’t gonna make the hospital.” I kick my boot at the trunk in pure frustration. How can I be fuckin’ failing at this already?

“It always has to be me, don't it?” Squealer looks up at the sky, shaking his head before he takes a deep breath and spins back around. He marches back towards my car with a strange kinda authority, before ripping open the back passenger door.

“Get in,” he tells me.

“What do you mean get in?” I follow after him, wondering what the fuck he’s doin’.

“From here on out.I’mthe voice of fuckin’ reason, so you're gonna have to listen to me, okay? Get in the fuckin’ car!”

When I don’t move fast enough he grips hold of the front of my shirt and forces me through the damn thing. I wanna rip his head off for it and when I go to react he leans inside the car and points his finger in my face.

“I’ve been in this situation enough times now to know that, that sound she’s making out there, means things are about to get real fuckin’ messy.We’regonna be the ones that deliver your baby, Brax, andwe’regonna have to do it here. Now, call a fuckin’ ambulance.” He pulls back, rushing around the car to get Gracie while I reach forward to the front console and grab my phone, trying to calm my hands from shaking as I tap 911 into the keypad.

Squealer is eerily calm and almost chivalrous as he aids Gracie into the car and settles her lying down across the back seat in the space I make between my legs.

“There ya go, darlin’, you just make yourself comfortable and take his hands so you can squeeze ‘em. I know it ain’t a private room but it’ll have to do.” He takes the phone from my hand when he hears the person on the other end talking at me through the speaker and realizes that I’m good for fuckin’ nothin’ right now. Standing back up, he rests his elbows coolly on the roof of the car while he explains our situation and the location we’re at.

“Please tell me Squealer isn’t going to deliver our baby,” Gracie whimpers before resting her head back on my shoulder.

“I could lie to ya, but I don’t think that's gonna help.” I take both her hands in mine and squeeze them tight.

I don’t want her to know how scared I am. I need to be strong. She’s been planning this for months, everything down to the last detail, and I’m sure as I can be that doing this on the side of the road in the back of our car was not part of that plan.

“It hurts and I need to push real bad,” she pants through her pain.

“It’s gonna be okay. The ambulance is on its way,” I promise her.

“Ambulanceison its way,” Squealer confirms my words, popping his head back through the door. “In the meantime, I’ll be your doctor. I have plenty of experience in female anatomy and a charming bedside manner.”

“The baby’s coming, I can feel it,” Gracie forces the words out of her mouth as her grip on my hand gets tighter.

“Okay, let’s just slip you out of these and we’ll deal with it.” Squealer starts tugging at her panties and while the thought of ripping his hands right off him crosses my mind, Gracie lifts her ass up to assist him.

“Whoa… this baby is really comin!” His eyes go wide as he tilts his head and he studies between her legs.

“Squealer, I swear to god when this is over I’m gonna—”

“Trust me, Brax, this ain’t somethin’ I will wanna be rememberin’,” he assures me through the smile he's faking for Gracie’s benefit.

“I have to push. I can’t hold it,” Gracie tells us both. Tensing her body and sounding petrified.

“Okay, that's just fine. Go.” Squealer nods his head while Gracie bears down, her whole body trembling from the effort she puts in.

“That’s good,” Squeal encourages her, resting his hand on her knee and trying hard not to pull a face.

“Is he comin’?” I ask, feeling beyond fuckin’ useless in all this.

“Oh, he’s comin’, I can see the top of his head.”

“I was supposed to have drugs for this.” Gracie relaxes in between contractions, catching her breath only for a few seconds before her body tenses back up again.

“It huuurts.” She grimaces, straining with everything she’s got.

“That’s real good, Grace, you got his whole head out now,” Squeal encourages her.

I lean forward to try and see but Gracie’s stomach blocks me.
