Page 66 of Broken Soul

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“Ya happy?” I ask, stroking her hair and wondering how she feels about all of this.

“I am now,” she whispers.

Istir awake when I feel that buzz in my lower stomach that I’m starting to get familiar with, something warm and wet is lapping between my legs. When I lift up the covers and see the top of Skid’s head, the laugh I make sounds so carefree I question how it can belong to me.

“Good morning.” I throw the covers back so I have full sight of him.

“Mornin’, darlin’.” He raises his eyes up my body and breaks contact so he can smile.

“Well, I must admit, I’ve been woken up in many different ways over the years, this is undoubtedly my faaa…” I lose the ability to finish my sentence when his tongue flicks expertly against my clit. Taking a fistful of his hair, I embrace it, letting my hips rotate to the rhythm of his tongue. I relax in the pleasure of being alone and intimate with the man who it’s been impossible for me to forget over the past few years.

It doesn’t take Skid’s skilled tongue very long to have me coming all over it, and when I start thrusting desperately against his mouth for more, his eyes glare into mine and absorb every ounce of my pleasure. I see his smile reach all the way to his eyes and it makes me feel really special. I keep thinking about what Rogue told me the other night and the more I do, the more I like it. I want to be the person who heals this man. I want to make him happy, and more than anything I want to believe that we can have the life he’s promised me.

“Have I told you before how hot you look when you come?” Skid kisses his way back up my body, spending extra time and attention on my flat stomach. He spent the whole night touching me there last night, almost as if he didn’t believe what I told him is real. I can barely believe it myself, that's why I was grateful Grimm bought so many testing kits.

“Is this okay?” he asks, making his way further up my body so his cock presses between my legs. Feeling him there is already starting to build me back up.

“It’s fine.” I nod back at him, a spike of thrill shooting up my spine when he raises one of my thighs against his side and slowly enters me. I close my eyes and sigh with relief because having him like this always makes me forget the world outside and the dangers lurking there.

“This was meant to be, you know that?” he tells me, sliding the strand of hair that’s fallen on my cheek away as he slowly moves inside me.

“I made a real big decision about my future yesterday. I chose to let go of hate and focus on our future, on the same day you tell me you’re gonna give me a kid.” His eyes are so sincere, it makes me want to cry tears of pure joy.

Ever since I told him, Skid has made me feel so incredibly special. I have no doubt that he means what he said. Skid really is all in. His phone starts buzzing on the nightstand, but he continues to focus on me, sliding his cock steadily in and out of me and bringing me closer to the edge.

“Don’t you think you should get that?” I whisper, my fingers tracing down his back when his thrusts become a little harder.

“Nope. Nothin’s more important than what I’m doin’ right now.” He kisses me with one hand resting above my head and the other sliding up to cup around my chin.

“I gotta keep my baby mama happy,” he whispers in my ear, his beard tickling my neck and making me smile.

“I like how that sounds,” I admit.

Having sex with Skid is nothing like I expected it to be. I spent so long craving his touch, but at the same time wondering if I would ever get over what happened to me in my past. Each time we’re together all those bad times seem more and more distant.

“You’re so perfect, Addison. I wish you knew how happy you’re makin’ me.” His grip on my face becomes tighter and his breathing gets heavier. I come for him again. Holding nothing back as my nails dig into his skin and I clench around his thick, solid cock.

“I’m not scared anymore,” I admit once his body has relaxed from his climax.

Skid kisses me in that possessive way that I seem to like more and more each time he does it. It makes me feel like I belong to him but in a completely different way from how I was owned before. Skid doesn’t want to control me, he wants to protect me, he wants to protect us all, and even while knowing that Abraham is out there looking for me and my son, I can’t remember a time in my life when I’ve ever felt safer.

“So, I take it Rogue knows all about this.” Skid rolls onto his back and slides his hands under his head.

“Yep, but I vowed her to secrecy. I thought we should wait a little while before we told anyone else.”

“You don’t wanna tell people?” Skid turns to face me, propping his head on one hand while the fingers of his other draw a circle around my tummy button.

“Well, I don’t know what people are gonna think about it. It’s fast work, you gotta admit that.”

“Stranger things have happened around here, darlin’.” He chuckles to himself.

“I figured we should go see a doctor too. I left it too late with Charlie.”

“Good thinkin’.” He smiles. “The girls all use the same ob-gyn. The club should get a discount for the amount of business that's been goin’ his way lately.”

“Here.” I suddenly make my choice, smiling while I watch his face crease in confusion.

“What?” He laughs at me.
