Page 76 of Broken Soul

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“But not here where everyone can see. I’m takin’ ya home.”

“I like the sound of home.” I wrap my arms around his waist and reach forward to kiss his beard-covered cheek. This time using his distraction to snatch the picture from his hands and study it again.

“It’s still just a black dot.” I shake my head and laugh.

“The most beautiful black dot in the world.” Skid takes it back and tucks it inside his cut pocket.

Iwatch them, wondering who this woman is and where she came from. Whoever she is, she’s sure making my brother forget about the love of his fuckin’ life. The selfish bastard looks like he ain’t got a care in the world as he strolls outta the doctor’s office staring at the picture in his hand like he just won the fuckin’ lottery.

It reminds me of the time Luciana presented me with a picture and told me I was gonna be a father. Naturally, I told her to get rid of it. I never made her no promises, not even from the start. I guess it’s a good thing she didn’t listen to me since it was Tommy who saved my life. But Mary-Ann, she should have fuckin’ listened. I wouldn’t have had to have her killed if she did. I swear she did it on purpose and that I was part of some plan she had to hurt Jimmer. She always knew she wasn't the real love of his life. His heart has always belonged to his club. A club I’m going to destroy.

I watch my brother sweep the woman he’s knocked up off her feet and carry her to the bike. You’d never guess from the happiness on his face that he was a widower, a man whose wife was so tragically taken from him. Carly’s forgotten about now, just an old memory to him. He screwed up her life by bringing her to the club and now he’s just moving on. I wonder what Mama would think of her precious boy now?

The two of ‘em look disgustingly happy, like a scene at the end of a cheesy movie. I could end it for him right here, right now. Cross the street and slit her throat. It was always my biggest regret after I ended Carly, that he wasn’t there to see it. Skid should have been there for it, he should have heard how she screamed his name and expected him to come and save her. I never got to see his suffering.

The cute, little brunette that's sitting on his saddle could be my chance to remind him that he’s not perfect. When it comes to what’s important, Skid's a real failure.

I start the engine and drive back toward the Blue Spruce resort, there's a spot quarter of a mile from the gates where I can park out of sight but have the perfect vision through the trees. I’ve spent many hours in the past watching them come and go from that spot, lurking right under their noses. I’ll spend a little more time… lurking. Until the perfect time comes, then I’ll strike, and I’ll strike hard.

“Do you really have to go back to the clubhouse?” Maddy has that needy little look in her eyes when I start pulling my jeans back on. Since Prez has been away I’ve had a lot to deal with, between trying to knock her up and running the club I’m exhausted.

“I’ll top ya up later, darlin’. I gotta talk Thorne and Nyx through the run I’m sending ‘em on.” I drag my tee back over my head.

“You don’t have to make it sound so crude.” She twitches her nose at me.

“Says the one who texted me… sayin’… and I quote…‘get home, I need your baby juice.” I laugh at her when her cheeks flush pink.

“I wastryingto be funny.” She kneels up on the mattress.

“Well, you aren’t a comedian, Maddy Donavon, but ya cute as hell.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

“I’m sorry for being such a distraction, I know you're under a lot of stress.”

“You can distract me like that anytime you want.” I smile at her, loving how far we’ve come over the past few months. Ever since Maddy told me she wanted us to start trying, just like everything she does, she’s been committed to the cause. She’s even started working from home more often so we can steal moments like this one.

“You wanna hear a secret?” She chews on her nail, not intending to look seductive, but getting my dick good and hard all over again.

“I don’t know, do I?” I act unbothered, knowing that she’s clearly bursting to tell me something.

“I think Rogue’s pregnant.” Her eyes glisten as she blurts out the words, and I immediately shake my head and laugh.

“Now, that’s a good one.” I point my finger at her before locating my sneakers where I kicked ‘em off.

“Jessie, I’m being deadly serious. Yesterday lunchtime, she came into the barroom on her break and asked Riley who her ‘Baby Doctor’ was.” I can see from the look on Maddy’s face now that she really is serious.

“Rogue?” I look at her blankly.

“Why else would she be asking that?” She shrugs back at me. “What if we end up being pregnant at the same time? Our kids could be in the same grade.”

“I think you're thinkin’ a little too far ahead.” I step back up to her and take her wrists in my hand, pinning them behind her back and giving her a kiss that she’ll think about until the next time I see her.

“I gotta go. Maybe while I’m gone you and Rogue could—”

“Donoteven finish that sentence.” Maddy grabs a hairbrush from the nightstand and launches it at me as I leave through the door.

I grab an apple from the fruit bowl on the way out the cabin, tossing it in the air and heading out for my bike. I’m still chuckling to myself at the idea of Grimm being a father when I take my saddle and hear my phone vibrate in my pocket.

