Page 80 of Broken Soul

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“Can I catch a word with ya?” He scratches the back of his head like he’s building up to something.

“Sure.” I head toward the door so we can take the conversation out to the porch and he nods his head politely at Addison before he follows me out.

“You spoken to Prez yet?” he asks.

“Ain’t had much of a chance, he ain’t been here,” I point out.

“I get it, I was just kinda hopin’ that when he gets back we could get things movin’ along.”

“There somethin’ you ain’t tellin’ me?” I question, noticing how edgy he’s being.

“No. I’m fine…”

“Is this about your dad headin’ out to Mexico?” I question. Tommy’s only ever known rejection. I’ve been too shadowed by grief to realize that I’ve been responsible for some of that too. I had my suspicions about him when he bailed after Carly died. I was convinced he knew something, I figure now he was just running scared.

“I don’t give a fuck about that man.” His eyes turn into slits.

“You're gonna have to loosen that chip on your shoulder if you wanna be a prospect,” I warn. “Probation periods are tough around here. Luckily for me, I had a skill, it made my prospect stint a short one. Things are gonna get a lot worse for you before they get better.”

“Does that mean you're gonna talk to Prez when he gets back?” There's a glimmer of excitement in Tommy’s eye that I ain’t seen since he was a kid.

“I can speak to him, but I ain’t promisin’ nothin’.” I don’t wanna give the kid false hope but I will give him a chance.

“And you’ll be my sponsor?” He pushes a little further.

“I’ll be your sponsor.” I nod my head. “But it’s gonna take way more than that for you to make the cut.”

“I won’t let ya down,” he promises, trying hard to stay level and act cool.

“Listen, I’m headin’ out today, the club’s low on members so I’d appreciate you keepin’ an eye out around here for me.” I figure giving him some responsibility will be a good start to preparing him.

“I’m on it.” Tommy nods his head before making his way over to the battered old truck he gets around in. When he starts up the engine, Storm scowls at him like he’s a piece of shit as he crosses the yard from his cabin to get to mine.

“What did that asswipe want?” He keeps his eyes focused on him as he drives away.

“He wants to be our next prospect,” I tell him, casually lighting myself a smoke and waiting for him to fly into a rage over it. Tommy apparently tried some shit with Jasmine before she got with Storm, and that kid sure can hold a grudge.

“You ain’t seriously considerin’ taking that idea to Prez, are ya?” He stares at me like I’m batshit crazy.

“Actually, I am.”

“Tommy’s not a Soul… he’s just… he’s Tommy. He creeps out all the whores and can’t keep his hands off the old ladies.”

“Jasmine wasn’t your old lady when he tried to kiss her,” I remind him.

“He was still lucky I didn’t fuckin’ kill him.” Storm’s hands ball up into fists.

“Hey, save that aggression, we’re gonna need it. It’s just gonna be me, you, and Tripp today. I need your head in this,” I remind him. This day feels like it’s been a long time coming and by tomorrow it will be over. Addison and Charlie will be safe and we can move on with the rest of our lives.

“How many we taking out?” Storm blows out a breath, taking a seat on my porch step and pulling out a cigarette of his own.

“There are seven Elders, I’m sure there are plenty of other men there but from what I can gather they’re just followers. Abraham is mine, you can have all your fucked up fun with the rest.” Like Jessie and Brax, Storm gets a sick satisfaction out of causing suffering. I think today I might get that same kinda pleasure when I make Abraham bleed.

“These men ain’t fighters, Storm, but that don’t mean they ain't dangerous. They call themselves protectors and they believe their own hype. There ain’t gonna be many lengths they wouldn’t go to to prove it. There could be a whole lotta surprises for us when we get into that fortress of theirs.”

“Mornin’.” Jasmine’s voice comes from their cabin. She starts making her way over, holding Faith’s hand as she toddles across the yard. Storm crushes his cigarette out under his boot and blows the last of the smoke away before Jasmine releases her and lets her take the last few steps toward her dad by herself.

I can’t help smiling as I watch her wobble into his arms. She giggles when he lifts her into the air above his head and tickles her tummy with his nose. It’s full-blown proof that love can change a man. I know from past experience that it can tear him apart too, but it’s a risk I’m prepared to take.
