Page 86 of Broken Soul

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“I said, anyone. I ain’t anyone, Jessie. I’m trained for this shit. I’ll make my way in while the Elders are in their meeting tomorrow morning. Soon as I’ve made it safely, you guys can move in and do your thing.”

We all nod our heads back at him.

“Every one of those Elders needs to die,” I tell ‘em all, staring at the picture Nyx drew of Abraham that’s in front of me. “But you leave that one to me.”

“And what about the others? There's a few handy-looking men in there,” Storm nods his head toward the screen.

“We save whoever wants to be saved, those who don’t, we leave behind.”

“And what if Addison’s sister is one of those people?” Troj checks.

“She’s the only exception, she comes with us whether she wants to or not.”

They can judge me if they think that’s unethical, but it’s the way it’s goin’ down.

We get out of Tripp’s cage and into our own once we’re fully briefed. It was Storm who drew the short straw and had to leave his bike at home, so he drives us back to the motel a few miles away where me, Troj, and Jessie have left our bikes.

We head out to a local bar to grab some dinner, I call home and check in with Addison and she sounds every bit as anxious as I expected. She’s so worried something will go wrong and I’ll either end up either dead or in jail, but I promise her that nothing in this world is gonna stop me from going home to her.

It’s not late when we get back to the motel, but we all decide to make it an early night. I’m bunking up with Storm and when I get out the shower, I take a toke on the blunt he offers on my way past him.

“You think tomorrow’s gonna go without a hitch?” he questions.

“Yeah, I do,” I tell him, pulling on some boxers under my towel before I let it drop and get under the rough, overused bed cover.

“Jasmine likes Addison, says she’s good for ya,” he adds.

“Jasmine’s a smart girl.”

“Too smart for me, right?” Storm grins before reaching over to take his blunt back.

“Far too smart for you.” I manage a laugh before sending a reply back to Rogue. I got a little worried when I hadn’t seen her around, should have figured she’d chase after her man to L.A., that pair have real separation issues.

“Rogue and Grimm have stopped at the Nevada Charter for the night. Rogue wants to hit Vegas before they leave tomorrow.”

“Bet Grimm’s lovin’ that.” Storm shakes his head.

Our Nevada Charter is a hectic one, it may be in the ass-end of nowhere but it sure attracts folks. Thinking of Vegas reminds me of Nora. I still haven’t decided what I’m gonna tell Addison about what happened to her.

“You thought about where all this is goin’ with Addison when we’re done here? Is she gonna stay at the compound?”

“Why do I get the impression you're workin’ for the girls, right now?” I cock my eyebrow at him.

“I ain’t workin’ for the girls.” He chuckles at me, lying back on his pillow and blowing smoke at the ceiling.

“So, Jasminedidn’task ya to question me on it?” I stare at him so he can’t lie to me.

“Okay, ya got me. She’s worried that once you've dealt with this shit, you’re gonna push Addison away. Jaz’s got this stupid idea in her head that you don’t believe you deserve to be happy.”

“That’s exactly how it was,” I admit.

“So, what changed?” He sits up a little straighter when he becomes intrigued.

“First, I decided I wanted to live, then I figured a lifetime’s a real long time to be unhappy. When you reach rock bottom there’s only one way you can go, and I think you know as well as I do, that all it takes is that one special person to make you wanna start climbin’ again.”

Storm nods back at me.

“You can report back to your old lady, Addison and Charlie are stayin’. They’re gonna live with me at the compound and become part of this fucked-up family,” I tell him, a smile twitching on my lips with how happy that makes me.
