Page 89 of Broken Soul

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We leave Tripp to go get the cage and Troj handles crowd control while we head for the red-brick building where our target is. From the outside, everything seems quiet and still. I press my ear against the wooden door and can just about make out the deep, dull voices that come from behind it. When I get the signal from Jessie and Storm, who are looking through the windows, I kick it open.

Seven shocked faces look up from the table they are gathered around.

“Morning, gentlemen.” Jessie lifts his chin at them, while Storm closes the door behind him and bolts it shut. We have to stall them here long enough for Tripp to drive in with the cage. We’d like to load them into the back as quietly as possible without causing the others to panic.

“What… What is this?” One of the men stands up from the table in an outrage, but he’s not the one I'm focused on. My eyes are set on the man sitting at the head of the table, whose face is every bit as haunting as it is in his picture.

What didn’t strike me until now, was how old this man actually is. It seems almost laughable that Addison is so afraid of him. I watch him fumble beneath the table, and when he pulls out a remote control and holds it in the air his hand trembles.

“Take one step further and I’ll blow this whole place,” he threatens, thinking that he has the element of surprise.

“You would kill yourself and all the people out there?” I stare at him, somehow managing to remain calm.

“Everyone here took the oath, we will not be polluted with thefilthfrom outside. If you have come to—”

“I came here to kill ya,” I tell him with no expression on my face or tone in my voice. Two of the men make a run for the door, Jessie stops one with a clothesline, while Storm forces the other into the wall by his throat.

Abraham's finger hovers over the button, he has no idea that his bombs are no longer active. Now, we will test this old man's faith. Will he risk being blown from this life, for the promise of another? His top lip is sweating, his eyes jerking between the other men like he’s seeking their approval.

“Why are you here?” one of the others questions.

“He knows exactly why I’m here. He’s been watchin’, he knows who I am.” I keep my eyes pinned on Abraham.

“You said there were no complications.” The stockiest of the men stands up looking pissed. I’m starting to wonder which of these men is Addison’s father, she told me he was an Elder too, and it surprises me a little that she never asked me to spare his life.

“There are no complications.” Abraham still tries to hold his authority.

“I’d say this was a pretty big complication.” Jessie folds his arms and gives them all one of his cocky grins.

“Addison and her son do not belong to you,” I warn him as I step closer.

“She was chosen,” one of the other men speaks up, and the sound of pride in his voice suggests to me that he’s her father.

“They do not belong to you, or your fuckin’ cause. You are not holy men, you arenotchosen. You are rapists. You are murderers, and all you sick, narcissistic old freaks are goin’ to hell.” I hear the engine outside the doors and know that it’s Tripp with our cage. Storm pulls out his gun and holds it up while he opens the doors and Tripp reverses right up close. He holds his hand up, before rushing off to help Troj.

“I will be your designated driver on your one-way trip to Hell.” Storm takes the handful of cable ties outta his back pocket and passes some to Jessie. All the men wear the same shocked look as, one by one, they get their hands tied behind their backs and a sack thrown over their heads before they get escorted into the back of the van.

“You can’t be serious? Stop this. I won't let you take us.” Abraham’s finger continues to linger over the button.

“Go ahead, press it,” I dare him, hearing a groan come from one of the old men behind me when Jessie shoves him in the back to get him moving out the door faster.

Abraham closes his eyes and presses down his finger, bracing himself for what comes next.

“BOOM!” Storm grabs hold of his shoulders and shakes him real hard, and when Abraham opens his eyes and sees us all still standing he looks confused and presses the button again. He taps it frantically, and all that happens is the color drains from his face.

“It’s over. All the years you’ve exploited these people, all the lies you fed to maintain your sexual urges are done.”

“Is that what you think?” The man's demeanor changes as he drops his detonator and holds out his hands for Storm to tie. He has a freaky smirk on his face that makes me question what else he has up his sleeve.

“Every person out there will be given a choice,” I tell him how it’s gonna be.

“And you think that choice will be to trust you?” He laughs at me.

“My followers are loyal, they have bred for me, and sacrificed their own children to live by our beliefs. Do you really think you can undo all the work we have done?”

I swear I’m staring pure evil in the face as I look at him. This man doesn’t speak for a higher power. He knows what he has done and he has no remorse for it.

“One day, my son will find his way home. All paths will lead him back to here, you can’t stop God’s will,” he warns.
