Page 97 of Broken Soul

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“That’s good.” I nod my head and force a smile for him.

“I saved ya.” He smiles back at me, his eyes not looking scared anymore.

“Yeah, Tommy, you saved us.”

Ipull my bike to a halt outside Addison’s house and let it drop onto her front lawn before I rush inside. I follow the trail of blood that leads to the kitchen, and when I see her and Charlie both alive, I start to breathe again.

“Help him.” The desperate look on her face has me following her eyes and when I see Tommy on the floor in a pool of blood, I immediately scramble toward him.

“Shit, what happened?” Jessie follows in close behind me.

“Call an ambulance!” I rip off my cut and quickly take off my shirt, so it can replace Tommy’s slick, bloody hands. He’s barely conscious, his eyes aren’t focusing.

“Tommy, listen to me.” I slap his face with my other hand and force him to look at me. “You’re gonna be okay. Just don’t go under. Stay awake,” I order.

“He stabbed me.” Tommy shakes his head in confusion.

“Yeah, he did, but it’s gonna be okay.” I have no idea what the hell happened here or where Chop is but I can’t worry about that right now. Right now, I have to keep my nephew alive.

“I wouldn’t let him hurt them. I made ya a promise.”

“You did good, Tommy. Real fuckin’ good.” I glance over my shoulder and see Troj untying Addison and Charlie.

“Get ‘em outta here!” I yell, pressing as hard as I can into Tommy’s stomach. “And stay with ‘em. We don’t know where that son of a bitch is.”

“Tommy,” Addison sobs as she clings tight to her son and lets Troj drag them both out the room.

“Ambulance is comin’.” Jessie steps back inside the room and starts searching for more stuff to help me stop the bleeding with.

“Am I gonna die?” Tommy asks, his lips turning blue and his body shaking.

“No!” I tell him firmly. “You arenotgonna fuckin’ die.” I switch my drenched shirt for the wad of dish towels Jessie hands down to me.

“You’re gonna have one helluva kick-ass scar though.” I smile at him through the tears that are blurring my eyes and when I look up at Jessie and he shakes his head back at me, I know that he’s thinking the same thing I am.

“The ambulance is on its way,” I assure him again, keeping the pressure on him as best I can as I take him in my arms and shift my body behind his. I rest my back against the kitchen cupboard and hold him against my chest. “We’ll just wait it out together, okay?” I press my head back against the drawer behind me and pray for a miracle that I know ain’t gonna come, the pain burning through my chest as I feel him slipping away from me.

“Hey, Uncle Skid.” Tommy’s voice croaks. “D’ya think I’ll make the cut now?”

“Yeah, kid. You made the cut.” I tap my hand on his chest and hold it there until I feel his heart give up beating.

* * *

“He’s gone.” Jessie reaches down and places his hand on my shoulder and I remain still, focusing on the knife that’s on the floor as Storm and Jessie carefully drag Tommy’s body off mine and lay him flat on the floor. Suddenly all the pain I’m feeling accelerates into anger and I act on impulse, getting up on my feet and picking up the bloody knife in front of me.

“Take care of them,” I growl at Jessie as I walk out the door and go in search of my brother. My head is numb of anything other than tracking him down. I won’t let him get away this time. I don’t know where to start looking but Iwillfind him. The bloody footprints lead down the side of the house and when I see the dark pair of boots poking out from behind the wood store the rage inside me has me gripping the knife in my hand a little tighter.

“Is he dead?” His low, gravelly voice asks, and when I step in front of him he looks up at me from where he’s sitting on the ground with his arms hanging over his knees.

My hand shakes, willing me to drive the knife it’s clutching into his empty fuckin’ chest, but I don’t. Instead, I grab the front of his shirt and drag him onto his feet, dropping the knife so I can throw fist after fist into his face. All my hurt and frustration comes out in growls of pain and fully loaded fists until eventually I get dragged away from him.

“Not here. Not like this.” Jessie holds on to me, keeping me back while Troj comes from behind him with the rope that cunt had tied Addison and Charlie up with.

“We’re takin’ our time with this one, brother,” Jessie whispers, as Troj drags my half-conscious brother up off the floor and spits on his face. He slams him face-first into the side of the house and ties his hands behind his back before he forces him toward the cage that Storm must have just pulled up in.

“Go be with your girl, Skid. She needs you. We’ll make sure he gets back to the club, and he’ll be waitin’ for ya in my basement when you’re ready. We got him. Now it really is over.” There’s a relief in Jessie’s voice that overcomes his anger.

“Yeah, we got him, Jess. But this is far from over.” I look my brother in the eye and hope he hears as he gets dragged further away from me.
