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Maxim replaces Lev between my legs, passing him the blade. Lev continues to make small incisions across my body, but my adrenaline is pumping so hard, I don’t feel any of it.

A loud thumping sound causes me to turn my head towards the door. Someone is banging on the other side. Maxim grins. “We have more men to join the party,” he tells me, nodding to Lev to open the door.

When he does, I almost laugh out loud. Ivan fills the doorway, and somehow, he looks bigger and scarier than he ever did before. Maxim’s smile fades, as does his thrusting.

“Did you mean to invite him?” I ask, smirking.

Maxim moves from me. “Ivan,” he murmurs, looking uneasy.

“Pakhan,” roars Ivan. “You will address me as your Pakhan.”

“She fought,” Maxim rushes to tell him. “We got carried away.”

“In this room?” Ivan asks calmly. “You went against my orders and in this room?”

“She was hiding in here,” Lev rushes to explain.

Ivan pulls a gun from his trousers and points it between Lev’s legs. Lev automatically covers the area with his hands. “Did you rape her?” Ivan demands to know.

“Yes,” I say firmly. “He was first to have his turn.”

Ivan pulls the trigger, and I scream in fright. Blood splatters my legs and I crawl backwards as Lev falls to his knees, crying out in pain. Alek appears, taking Lev by his collar and stuffing a cloth into his mouth to dull the painful sobs.

Maxim holds up his hands. “Ivan, you’re not thinking clearly. She’s poisoned you.”

“She tried to warn me,” Ivan spits, “and I didn’t believe her.”

“She’s gotten inside your head. You know me. We’re like brothers.”

“Did you kill her?” Ivan asks, holding his voice steady. “Did you kill Lara?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, she was robbed.”

“Did you set it up?” I ask, grabbing a shirt from the clothes on the bed and pulling it on. Ivan watches, his eyes fixed on the shirt. It’s all the distraction Maxim needs, and he charges at Ivan, knocking him off his feet. They all begin to scrapple around, and I carefully stand, slowly moving towards the door.

“Don’t run,” snaps Ivan as he struggles to get a hold on his gun. “Please, Grace, don’t run.”

I snatch the diary from the floor and break for it. I don’t owe them anything, and I can’t risk staying here with the men who just attacked me.

I almost trip as I rush down the stairs, crying with joy when I spot the front door wide open. I break out into the fresh air and stop at the sight of Maria. She freezes, glancing behind me. “Don’t get in my way,” I say, almost begging. She bites her lower lip, then gives a nod and throws a set of keys at me. She points to a small car. “Go,” she whispers. “Quick.”

A gunshot rings out, followed by another, and I take off towards the car, opening the door and throwing the diary onto the passenger seat. I haven’t driven in over a year, but it comes flooding back to me as I put the keys in the ignition. Maria must’ve opened the gates because as I drive towards them, they slide across and I cry with relief. I fucking did it. I got out alive.


Lev gurgles on his own blood as I place my hands around his neck and squeeze hard. I whisper words of hatred as he takes his last breath. Maxim lays still beside him, his eyes open but lifeless and cold. I take his blade and puncture each eyeball. If there is an afterlife, he should spend it blind.

Alek appears in the doorway, out of breath. “She’s gone. She took Maria’s car.”

I growl in frustration. She was right all along, and I hurt her. “We need to stop her, Alek. She’s hurt and she’s seen too much. Have men sent to the police stations. I’ll call our associates and see that she’s returned.”

“She can’t get far with no money or a passport.”

I nod in agreement. “Find her.”

Maria is in the kitchen. “Are you okay?” I ask, and she nods, busying herself with stirring a pot of something hot. “Only you don’t look upset.”

