Page 18 of Held Captive

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My head pounds painfully to the beat of my pulse and I’m freezing. I open my eyes and regret it immediately. There isn’t much light, but what is there is causing the throbbing to intensify. A wave of nausea hits me, and I try to get on my hands and knees to throw up, only to discover that I’m still zip tied.

“Fuck me,” I mutter. Instead I pull myself into an upright position, my legs folded to the side like a mermaid. I’m close enough to a wall to lean my head against it and take deep breaths until the nausea passes. I do a little systems check. My head hurts; I’ve probably got a concussion. My neck and scalp are sore from being yanked around by my hair. Assorted bumps and bruises. A man’s disgusting dried blood and spit on my face. My clothes are in place and the zip ties make me think I probably wasn’t raped while I was out, which I appreciate. My mouth is dry.

I look at my environment. I’m on a dusty concrete floor. I see a water heater, a filtration system, an a/c system, and a washer/dryer.I’m at a house?Does that make any sense? There is no bed or blankets, which is probably why I’m freezing. There is a horizontal crack of light at the top of a few stairs. A door. Interesting. I realize the two shadows are feet. Someone is guarding the door. Zip ties and a guard? I must have really pissed them off. I grin a little thinking about the shocked face of the guy whose arm I broke.Surprise, fuck face.After Nicole, I took every self defense class NYU offered. I was a very dedicated student.

I hear noise at the door. I’m not ready to deal with people just yet and would honestly prefer they think I’m unconscious for a bit longer. I fall back to the floor and close my eyes. I hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Boots. They come closer and stop.

“I know yer awake, so ye might as well stop the act.”

Reasonable. I open my eyes and roll to face him. It’s Red. Well, I suppose that’s better than Blondie. I don’t think he likes me very much.

“What’s your name?”

I answer instantly. “Hermione Granger.”

“What’s your real name?”

“Bella Swan.”

“Don’t fucking test me.”

“Why? Would you fail? Don’t be ashamed, even smart people get test anxiety.” This is fun. I’m going to die anyway. It’s nice to let Rocky out. I’m sick of being Rebecca. Plus, I’m always a bit testy when I don’t feel well.

Red glares at me. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in right now?”

I take a breath. “Well, I’ve been chased, shot at, and almost blown up. I got zip tied, manhandled, and knocked unconscious and woke up on a concrete floor with your charming ass. Yeah, I’d say I have a pretty good idea of how much fucking trouble I’m in.”

“It can always get worse, lass.” He smiles at me. I think I’m supposed to be intimidated. But honestly, I’m just too tired to give a shit.

“Look, Red.” I kick my bound feet out straight in front of me. “I’m tired, I’m cold, my head hurts like a motherfucker, and I need to pee. If you’re going to kill me, get on with it. If not, either help me out or leave me alone.” I then make a great show of yawning, lying on my side, facing away, and curling up. I hear boot steps, a door being slammed open, then closed, and then nothing.



Patrick bursts back into my office, face damn near as red as his beard. “She’s a cop.”

A cop?“She just out and said that to you?” It seems unlikely.

“Of course not. But she has to be. Interpol or some shite like that.” He pours himself a drink.

“What, exactly, happened down there?” I haven’t seen him this worked up in a while.

“She fucking dismissed me! Wouldn’t tell me her bloody name, insulted me, complained about her circumstances, and told me to kill her or bugger off.”

Well, that’s interesting. “And because of that you decided she’s a cop?”

“What the hell else would she be? No normal woman acts like that.” He tosses back the drink.

Interesting.“Not sure that equals cop, but unusual for sure. Let’s go have a chat with her.”



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