Page 47 of Held Captive

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“Well, my childhood dream was to be a princess but I realized that ship had sailed. But mostly, yeah.” She’s smiling, relaxed.

“Do you miss Texas?”

She’s just bitten into the pizza and looks like she’s about to have a small orgasm.

“Oh, my god, this is really good pizza. And sorta. But with my family not wanting me there, I don’t know what the point of going home would be.”

“What parts do you miss?”

“Riding, for sure. Nicole and I used to ride damn near every day. And dancing. You don’t find country bars in New York.”

I grab my own slice from the box.

“Do you have family, Sean?”

I’m not sure why it surprises me that she would ask, but it still catches me off guard. “No, not anymore. Not blood family at least. Patrick’s the closest thing I have to a brother.”

She sips her beer and doesn’t push for more.

“My mum and sister were killed in an accident. My dad brought me to the US. To Boston. He was a soldier. He was killed during some turf war or another. I was about sixteen. Patrick’s family took me in. His father was also mob. Then we joined up.”

“I’m sorry, Sean.” She squeezes my hand. Looking at her, I don’t see pity or sympathy. Just compassion from someone who understands loss.

“Thank you.”

“Do you like this? This life?” She’s folded her feet under her on the sofa and turned to face me. Aside from the beer she’s holding, she could be a teacher about to lead story time. No one has ever asked me that before.

“Yes. This is what I am, Roxanne. Some days are bloodier than others. My world still operates on honor, respect, loyalty, and vengeance.”

She is still calmly eating her pizza.

“You should understand though, for many, I am the monster they fear at night. This is not a Fortune 500 company, and I am not a CEO.”

Looking at her, I don’t see fear or revulsion on her face. No tension coiling up in her shoulders. I can tell she’s focused on everything I’m saying. She’s already seen violence at my hand. For fuck’s sake, I’ve held a gun to her head myself. Which I feel suddenly ashamed of.

“I’m sorry. For the other day in my office, when you told me your name.” I run my hand through my hair. “For threatening you.”

She smiles. “You don’t need to apologize. Don’t apologize for protecting your family.” She pauses, sips her drink. “And I have to accept responsibility for the choices I made. I knew what I was getting into was dangerous. I was warned by just about everyone who knew what I was planning on doing.”

Whatever this woman is made of, it’s indestructible.

“What?” she says.


“You’re giving me the funniest look.” She fidgets in her seat. It’s adorable.

“You’re not like any woman I’ve ever met before.”

She doesn’t respond. She actually looks a little offended.

“Roxanne, that’s a compliment.”

“Oh, thank you.” She still looks confused.

“I’m going to fuck up explaining this, baby. You’re one big contradiction. You’re this tiny, beautiful thing that fights like a fucking hellcat. You care deeply about others, but can handle violence as well as any of my soldiers. You’re something else entirely.”

She smiles. “That’s probably the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten. At least I think so.”
