Page 51 of Held Captive

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The SUV is waiting for us, but just as we step out of the doorway I hear an angry shout.

“Get away from her, you Irish bastard.”

I spin around, but Sean has pushed me behind him and drawn his gun. I peek under his arm.

“Gino! What the hell are you doing!” I shout. Gino is standing there with a gun pointed at Sean.

“It’s ok, Rocky, I won’t let them take you.”

What the hell?

“Gino! He isn’t kidnapping me! What is wrong with you?” Now Gino just looks confused, looking between me, Sean, and the other men.

Sean speaks; his voice is low and deadly. “Morelli, put your fucking gun away before I kill you on the front steps of your grandmother’s restaurant.”

Thankfully, Gino puts his gun away. Sean doesn’t.

“Rocky, what are you doing with this bastard?” He’s red-faced and as angry as I’ve ever seen him.

“Insult my mother one more time and being Vincent De Luca’s cousin won’t save you from losing a kneecap.” Unlike Gino, Sean is eerily calm.

“What are you doing with her?”

I’m having concerns about his blood pressure at this point.

“I’m taking her home.” I see Sean give Gino a deadly smile. Keeping me behind him the whole time, Sean escorts me to the SUV. He doesn’t holster his gun until we are several blocks away.

Turning to me, he says, “So can I assume you didn’t know you lived on top of a restaurant owned by La Cosa Nostra?”

I turn toward him and blink. “I’m sorry, please back up and explain what the hell just happened?”

Sean laughs. “Vincent De Luca is the current head of the Italian mafia in New York. Gino Morelli is his baby cousin. And apparently fond of you.”

“For fuck’s sake, how many gangsters are there in New York?”

Sean laughs again. “You’ll actually meet De Luca soon. When we have some more information to go on, I’m going to bring him in on your shipping problem. There is a lot to hate about the man, but he won’t stand for abusing girls.”

I let out a little snort.

Sean raises an eyebrow at me.

“I was just thinking, you’re sitting here cool as a cucumber, and I’m wondering if Gino’s blood pressure is ever going to return to normal.”

Sean smiles. “Probably not. His face when I told him I was taking you home was priceless. Imagine what it would have looked like if I’d said what I really meant.”

“What’s that?”

Sean pulls me into his lap with ease. Into my ear he whispers, “That you’re mine.”



With Roxanne busy getting ready for the event tonight, Patrick is waiting in my office.

“What’s the latest?” I ask.

He fills me in on the assorted day-to-day shit I ignored today to go shopping with Roxanne.
