Page 53 of Held Captive

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“I heard you threatened to blow off my cousin’s kneecaps.”

“Yes. Did you hear he pointed a gun at me?”

“Everyone points a gun at you. You’re irritating. Like nails on a chalkboard.”

I snort. “Fair, but he pointed a gun at me and my woman. I won’t let that stand.”

De Luca pauses for a minute. Finally he continues, “I can respect that. I’ll remind my cousin about respecting a man’s woman.”

“Thank you.”

“I hope that’s not all you wanted to chat about, O’Connell.”

“No. I have some business to discuss. Might impact your operations. I’d like to show you the respect of bringing this information to you directly.” Fucking politics.

“Thank you. I’ll have Angelo contact you tomorrow. The same number?”


The line goes dead.Lovely chatting with you too.

I check the time and rise to get dressed myself.



After lunch, a nap, and a delightful wake-up from Sean, I start to get dressed for theballthat he’s taking me to.

Wrapped in a towel and blow-drying my hair, I hear a knock followed by a high-pitched squeal. Michael sashays into the room, holding a large box and several matching gift bags.

“Michael! I didn’t expect you to be bringing it by personally.”

“Darling, if you thought I’d miss seeing you in all your glory, you’re crazy. Also, Prince Charming thought you might need some help with hair and makeup.”

“You’re such a doll, thank you.”

He hands me a satin dressing robe, the strapless bra, and a rather risqué pair of lace panties, to which I raise an eyebrow.

“Tell Sean he’s welcome.” Michael winks conspiratorially at me.

I laugh and walk into the bathroom to get dressed.

“How do you know him anyway?” I shout from the bathroom.

“Sean O’Connell saved my parents’ lives.”

I come out of the bathroom with my jaw open. “What?”

“A few years ago, Sean had just assumed command. Well, my parents had a little restaurant. Everyone thinks the mafia deals in protection money, and they do, but street gangs are worse. So this gang is hassling my folks. They didn’t have much money anyway, after raising us kids and the restaurant. Finally one night they come in and tell my momma she can pay them inotherways. My dad doesn’t let this stand of course, and my scrawny ass tried to help. They beat my dad unconscious, gave my mom a black eye, and broke my nose and eye socket. Then they say they will be back tomorrow and tell my mom to be prepared to pay up.”

“Jesus Christ,” I say, sitting down on the bathroom counter. Michael opens up a makeup kit alongside all of my makeup. He gets to work on my face.

“So anyway, I call an ambulance and they take my dad to the ER. My mom and I are sitting there, waiting for the doctor to tell us if my dad is bleeding in the brain and I hear the nurses whispering that Sean O’Connell is coming to see his men that got shot up. They say his name like he’s the good lord crossed with the boogie man. I start poking around and find the man himself walking into the hospital. I see him visit with some of his men, hug a few of the women. Then he tells the hospital staff that they get anything they need. He posts fucking guards around their beds. Then this police captain shows up, and I think some shit is gonna go down. He shakes Sean’s hand and asks what he needs. I was so dumbstruck, I never heard the answer. He leaves, and I grab one of the beat cops that was just hanging around. I ask him who that dude was. He says to me ‘Brother, that dude is the head of the fucking Irish mob.’”

Michael has finished my makeup and waves at the mirror for me to inspect it. He’s given me a retro cat eye and matte red lip, with a very Marilyn Monroe vibe to the whole thing. “I figure a vintage vixen look will make the mermaid cut dress pop.”

I nod. His talent appears limitless.
