Page 57 of Held Captive

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“Not a bloody chance.” I growl, cutting her off. I bring my lips to her ear. “I would continue to bury my cock inside your sweet, hot cunt and fill you with my cum.” The raw violence in my words shocks us both. But it’s the gods’ honest truth.

She’s speechless. For that matter, so am I. I can’t explain my brutal desires, or why I am unwilling to lie to her, even knowing the insanity of the declaration. I can’t explain the possessive need to have this woman. I can’t rationalize it. It’s all consuming.

We dance silently for several songs. I worry about the effect my words had on her. My only reassurance is that other than the initial shock, her body remains soft and relaxed in my arms, her face free of worry, and her eyes brilliant green. I pull her off the dance floor, snagging us both champagne as we go. Tucked into a quiet corner near some questionable sculpture, I cup her face with my hand.

“Talk to me, baby. I need to know how you’re feeling.”

She lets out a puff of air and shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know, Sean. Overwhelmed? I mean, you basically just told me you would try to get me pregnant. Or at least wouldn’t be upset if I got pregnant. Do you realize how insane that sounds?”

I have a sense she isn’t done, so I keep my mouth shut.

“For fuck’s sake, we just met. And—” She stops and lets out another exasperated sigh, shaking her head in the process. “And I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel.”

I realize during this speech she’s unconsciously started to rest her hand over her lower belly, almost protectively.

“Baby, I can’t explain it. I need you. I’ve never in my life needed to be inside a woman like I need you. I’ve never needed to hold a woman like you. To wake up with you in my arms. I would never force you to carry my child if you truly don’t want to. I will not force you to stay if you truly want to go. But until you tell me otherwise, I’m all in. Stop worrying about what you’re supposed to feel and just feel.” I put one hand over the one that’s resting on her belly and crush her lips to mine. I try to pour every ounce of my irrational feelings into it, praying she feels the sincerity of my touch and my words.

We finally break the kiss. She looks at our joined hands and back to my face. For the second time tonight, her eyes meet mine and she nods.




I wake up in the warm, soft bed with significantly less hangover than I was expecting. But while my head isn’t sore, my vagina certainly is. Images flash through my mind from last night. My panties ripping off in the limo, his hot mouth sucking my clit while he finger fucked me. Sean ripping the tulle skirt of the dress up to my hip. Him carrying me into the elevator, setting me onto his rock-hard cock as soon as the doors closed. I lost track of the orgasms I had. The evening is one giant, hot, pleasurable blur.

“Good morning.”

I roll over to see Sean standing in the doorway, holding a cup of coffee. He’s dressed in his typical work attire. He comes to the bed and sits on the edge, handing me the coffee.

“Hello, my love,” I say, reaching for the coffee.

“I don’t even get that nice of a greeting in the morning,” Sean grumbles.

“Hey, me and coffee have been together a long time!”

Sean laughs. “I’m going to be out most of the day. The boys finished with your new phone.” He fishes a shiny new iPhone out of his pocket. “They transferred all your old data onto it, and added some additional programs that improve its security.”

“Oh, no! Did the boys look at all my naked pictures?”

Sean’s face is priceless. I wish I had a camera for this exact moment.

“Kidding, I’m only kidding.”

Sean flips me to my stomach and quickly lands a spank on my ass. “You’re lucky I don’t have time to punish you for that, naughty girl.”

I stick my tongue out at him.

“Sean, I’m getting cabin fever. Can I go out? I want to meet Tasha. And see the sun. Other humans. The works.”

Sean nods. “Of course. I was actually wanting to talk about that. How do you feel about Declan?”

I consider the burly driver I met yesterday. “He’s fine? I guess? I don’t really have an opinion. Actually, he raised the privacy divider last night when you ripped my panties off without being asked, and I do appreciate that. Why do you ask?”

“I’m assigning him to you. As a driver and a bodyguard. He’s one of the best men in the organization.”

“Why do I need a bodyguard?”
